Monday, January 10, 2005

It is a shame that I can't send my thoughts across the airwaves, down the stairs and in to our computer. I sit in our bedroom chair at 10 p.m., and 12:34 a.m., and 3:27 a.m. and 7:17 a.m, nursing our Papaya, and blogging. In my head, I write beautiful accounts of how the rain sounds falling on our roof, of the wind in the rubber tree and of the thunder rolling like heavy surf crossing the night sky. But all my efforts remain in my brain. There is very little time for sitting here and writing. Even now, Alex is calling me, "Mom, I think Papaya is awake right now." So it's time to finish this little bit, and get upstairs, back to the bedroom chair. I'll try again, later, to sneak away and share all my deep thoughts and other musings. I've been meaning to write about how much I love this new baby, and how much I loath that chair...

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