Some occasions simply cannot be skipped. Mom's Night Out is a must, and MNO at Josie's is an absolute must. It felt very good introducing Papaya to all her Moms.
Of course every girl that parties late must sleep-in late.
Friday, December 03, 2004
Toe-tally irresistible!
Maria Olivia "Papaya" was born November 29th. She weighed 7 lbs 5 oz, and was 18.5 inces long. We are in love, and drowsy, and in awe, and this may be as much as I can find time to write for quite some time, but I don't mind, because life is good.
Check email. done
Erase junk mail. done
Shower. done
Brush teeth. done
Wrap presents from Papaya to her brothers. done
Charge camera battery. done
Pack camera. ditto
Experience moments of panic, doubt and exhilaration. done, done, done
Go have a baby...