Just because...
I heart~
Unexpected gifts~
2102 Team Paradox~
Bulbs, gardens, seeds, seed catalogs, and pulling carrots out of the ground~
Cobalt blue~

I heart~
Matchboxes, candles, Christmas lights, LED lights, fireflies, and campfires~
Acorns, and corn on the cob, and oak trees, and tree houses, and Hobbit houses~
Chickens, hens, roosters, chicks, nests, eggs, cracked corn, and corn tortillas~
Boots, cowboy boots, rain boots, rain, cows, and
mooing at cows standing in golden fields with oak trees~
Lathes, dremel tools, sandpaper, drills, yardsticks, wood glue, hot glue, and glitter~

I heart~
Travel books, maps, railway stations, trains, coming home~
Horse shoes, wall hooks, wainscoting, railings, cable spools, and galvanized steel~
Dishes, sheets, quilts, scarves, sewing, cooking, thinking, dreaming, making, tinkering, fixing, planning, going, returning~
I heart Chickenblog, because I can think out loud here, and find kindred spirits, and little and great things that matter, and that do not matter, yet reveal themselves and want to be out.
I heart~
Laughing, too.