Accountability: this word popped up every day, all week, and kept me moving, even when I was very little inclined to do more than close my eyes, leave my shoes by the door... but after last week's post, so many of you shared your thoughts and hopes with me, and I was so inspired, that I really did feel like I had companions and coaches. One friend wants to share walks, another is on her rebounder, and from Spain, a nudge and reminder to keep my legs moving! Every comment and story is wonderful, and I am letting all of the encouragement and good examples sink in, so thank you!
So... I said Heart and Soul would be about moving, being accountable, keeping it simple and letting it be happy. Hmmm... that gives me MASH! Heart & Soul MASH.
(Alright, I don't want to linger on the subject, but I did get sick this week. It's painful, and demoralizing, and even though I don't want to talk about it, I am going to pat myself on the shoulder and say: I moved, it was simple, and slow, but I moved. Maybe a super awesome start to my plan would have been more encouraging and more fun to document, but if I have to start with a rough speed bump, then at least I can be happy that I am resisting all urges to succumb to a funk. The end.)
In the middle of the week, Geoff and I joined Maria at school, where we made some laps around the playing field before classes began. Without us there, she would have run, but Maria was too thrilled to have her daddy with her, to race ahead.
William read the Heart and Soul post, and took it to heart... he coaxed me, and prodded, and got me out for a night walk. Actually we all, six of us, went out into the dark. It was wonderful. Max wore a headlamp, which is smart. With the sun down, we felt relieved and perkier. Our eighty degree days, humid and sticky, have been draining.
I had spent at least two hours reconfiguring the goat's estate, moving fences and pavers, raking hay, wrestling two goats who were eager to participate in the chores. It was serious farm work, and in that heat I mentioned, so I really felt entitled to my quiet evening... but I am so glad William persisted, and persuaded. It was nice being together, talking, noticing the neighborhood after dark, making our plans. So nice, we went for a second loop.
The fourth picture down, Darwin is looking back, and I feel like he's cheering me on, too! "Come on, Slowcoach!"
And not only am I encouraged by Annie's participation, but go see her post and take in those sights! ¡Viva España! I know, I am not there, but in spirit I feel like my walk, my heart and soul, are taking in much broader views and vistas!
Apparently, our little four legged friend makes playful use of pine cones, as balls! Clever boy.
Did you move this week? Share your comments, or link to your blog post. We want to see where you've been, too.