Friday, January 03, 2014

{this moment}

A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

:: Inspired by Soule Mama ::

If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments, for all to find and see.

Thursday, January 02, 2014

Getting Out in The New Year

We still have the plague... coughing, congestion, coughing. No one is sleeping well. No one is feeling great. And we're all really bummed about the fun we've been missing. So, rather than sit and stew, we decided to get out. Find a trail. Seek a view. Inhale new air, in a new space. If we can't rest this plague away, then we decided to crush it with sun, breezes, and brisk walks. And from the lagoon to the shore, we found ourselves enjoying a beautiful New Year Day~

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

~Happy New Year~

Around the world, around town, wherever you are... I wish you a new year with great health, wonderful prospects, clever ideas, sufficient funds, plenty of time, helpful answers, warm comfort, kind friends, happy adventures, dreams coming true, faith, hope, love, and plenty of beautiful and inspiring moments. It's going to be great~

Go Figure

Without actually reading my camera manual, I try to take decent photographs. It's hit or miss. Sometimes, it's hit and miss. (I don't know what this means, but I'm okay with that.) Chickens are not easy subjects to begin with. They are shifty, flighty, and on the go. I probably should have a special lens, or know the right settings etc...

Anyway, I was out with the critters, and trying to get the "perfect" shot to demonstrate how much smaller Little Debbie and Lucky Penny are than the new hens. The difference is staggering, and funny to see. While I was crouching, and fiddling with the camera, one of the hens took the liberty of hopping on my back. I turned my head to see Thompson-Thomson-Tamsyn peering at me. And just for laughs, I raised the camera, turned it, and snapped an over-the-shoulder-this-can't-possibly-turn-out picture.

My mind went over all the ways I struggle with photography... to get good light, a sharp focus, timing... no chicken butts, no blurring, no half blinks. It's great having digital, and not feeling like an over-the shoulder Hail Mary is a waste, and I forgot all about it... until this morning. I took 148 pictures over four days, and this might be the best of the bunch!

Okay... maybe not straight-out of the camera, like this. Let's crop.

This is not 'shopped, only cropped. Great light. Great focus. Attentive subject. Kinda a fun artsy angle. Dang it. I'm better in a crapshoot than when I am trying!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Five Good Things

The truth: I don't feel great.
The other truth: Ever since I started Mondays with Five Good Things, I like Mondays better. I even look forward to Monday morning, and reflecting on nice, kind, funny, dear, sweet, hopeful, amusing, generous moments and people. The perspective shifts the whole dread Monday blues, and nudges me toward the light. So, even after scanning 42,000 motivational affirmations and just do it Pinterest memes, extolling the virtues of gratitude and attitude... I have my own proof. It really does help change the mood to change the focus, the message, the intent. Small steps, small wonders. So, I will go forward, in good faith, and state some good things. Real, good things.

Good Things...

1. The B-52's, Pink Martini, Tino Rossi, Julieta Venegas, Los Lobos, Gypsy Kings, Oingo Boingo, Jason Mraz, Suki Berry, Robi Kahakalau, Sondre Lerche, Daft Punk, They Might Be Giants, Andrew Bird, Linda Ronstadt, First Aid Kit, Of Monsters and Men, Bedouin Soundclash, Passion Pit, Montserrat Caballe, Dolly Parton, Alexandre Desplat, Louis Armstong, Na Leo... and more. Music. Playlists.

2. Pets.

3. Washer and dryer, in the house.

4. Second, third, fourth chances, and the will to keep trying.

5. Being married to, and in love with, my best friend.

You must have some good things, too... will you share, please?