Open House! Lately, we had been feverishly counting the days 'til summer break, but ever since open house, Maria's looking beyond summer, and forward to fourth grade! So much inspiring, creative, challenging lessons and activities are in store for her, that she was riveted by, and thrilled to explore every new opportunity and prospect, perhaps even more than sharing her third grade accomplishments. In her classroom I was charmed by her chosen
favorite body part, and duly impressed by her explanation of
why her brain is her favorite body party. Her paper mâché crocodile is painted, and she had a map of our solar system hanging on the wall. This week we'll see them perform their
Biomes Muscical, too.
But as soon as she showed me every wall and project from third grade, we made a bee-line for the three fourth grade classrooms, and her chance to meet the teachers and see what the new year holds. She met three new teachers, learned that California history and
Gold Rush activities are fourth grade themes. She loves that she will get to make a model of a California Spanish Mission, like her friend Leo's. Maria has a few friends in the upper grades, and when she is a fourth grader they will share the same lunch and recess schedules... something she's been looking forward to for some time.
More to look forward to: A new Girl Scout Troop is beginning, a
ballet folklorico class will start, and she may join a UCSD girl's science program (if she can convince them to accept her "underage" application.) There's still Garden Club, and Foodie Fridays. Let's not forget, maybe trying
4-H, and FLL, and ballet, and of course we need dinner, showers, homework, sleep... ! It might not be possible to keep up with, and follow, every single club and class that captures her imagination, and I'll never suggest she forego one passion for another... but this may require some careful negotiating and balance.
Thankfully, I didn't have to say anything in Maria's defense when she told the university professor,
"I love science! And I love art. The science doctorate, there to encourage girls to explore STEM education, looked apologetically appalled by Maria's statement, and hastily said,
"Oh-well, art can be okay, too." Maria promptly informed the professor, "Of course it is. I know that."
So happy to see that our STEAM interests, and values, have a comfortable, natural place in Maria's brain, and soul! Never leave the
Art out of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math!
Good Things...
1. Max's architectural designs will be at the San Diego County Fair.
2. We have tentative plans, forming into something solid, for a summer trip to Oregon!
3. I finished making three polar bear hats, two red capped mushroom hats, and three mushroom tunics for the
Biomes Muscical! {
Gimme a high five!}
4. We have had fish tacos twice this week, and love the mango salsa I made to go with those.
5. Geoff put a new flushing handle on the guest bathroom toilet. Small change... marvelous improvement!
6. {extra good} My friend, Anna B, sang in a concert... American Music, Iroquois to Woody Guthrie! Gorgeous music and voices.
Please, share some good things, too!