Everyone stop and feel real sorry for me. I just burned my thumb on caramelizing sugar for the cranberry sauce. OUCH. Whimper, whimper. Or
wimpy, wimpy. No, it hurts. And with some concern and confusion, William asks "Why not just use the canned kind?" Indeed. I like the canned kind, chunky or jellied, but unfortunately I discovered a Martha cranberry relish recipe a few years ago and I love it. Love it. It's tangy and sweet and hunky, and full of awesome flavors. It looks beautiful and tastes snappy and unexpected. Most years I make a five or ten gallon vat, then try to persuade everyone in the house that it's really, really yummy. My thumb is blistering.
Tomorrow I make pies. Two for us. Two for school...
Okay let's talk about pie for the school. They are having a feast and it's a sweet tradition and full of Thanksgiving good feel, but I think the middle school parental units are way too consumed. They made a sign-up list for the potluck event and it includes every conceivable holiday plate imaginable, including gravy, rolls, green bean casserole and salad. Mind you, all of this is for about 20 middle school children to ingest the day before they go
home to Thanksgiving... Only now our Thanksgiving at home will be "Thanksgiving, The Sequel." Am I Grinchy or is too much? Why not prepare food for their teachers or a shelter, or just stick feathers in pine cones for turkey center pieces, and send the darlings home to peel potatoes? I've only been at this school stuff a few months, but I have learned this much: Choose your battles.