so much goodness and I hardly know where to start or when to finish. I have hundreds of pictures I could share and lots of happy stories, funny jokes, dear moments and foodie confessions... we're talking Thanksgiving, family, mountains, starry walks, food, and a derpday!
The derpday.
Hold on a sec. I gotta catch my breath.

Maria is 4. It happened.
All of it... the glitter, the friends, the painting and flowers and fairy wings and hugs and affection, the elation and giddiness, the exuberance of a child in love with the world. The night before she turned 4 years old, I looked on her in wonder and I felt those sentimental stirrings... the wistfulness, not wanting her to be 1 day older. And yet every new day is good, every milestone is amazing, every new skill and bright thought is a blessing. So, as much as I would like to stop time and inhale more days of 3 year old joy, I am ready to welcome this new year... Maria's new year.
To begin with, thank you. You and
you and you! We feel the love and support, we witness the kindness and generosity and we are so grateful, so awestruck. My friend Jola, who could not come to the party, could not help participating. She made 3 princess hats, with elegant tulle veils. Bill and Alison sent the perfect wings... Maria ran, exclaiming "I'm in the sky!" All our family, in the mountains for Thanksgiving, played and hid and seeked, and tickled and chased and shared and showered Maria with love and she loved them right back. Everyone shared in the excitement and jumped into her world. A lot of things and stuff can go into a party, a celebration, but it's the people that make it fun and special... and everyone we know has contributed to Maria's
happy derpday.
I told you... I don't know where to begin... We ordered a decorated white cake. At home Max helped me make beet extract pink frosting and he guided me in adding some flowers and his sister's name. Then we topped it with a glittered fairy angel we made from
The Toy Maker. Maria loved it. It made her eyes widen and her mouth formed a delighted "

Nice thing about an outdoor, garden party is the decorating is mostly complete... there were pomegranates and flowers and foliage and natural loveliness everywhere. We added our scrappy princess garland and the Sesame Street and princess cups and plates Maria chose... and that was about it.

Alex and Delia sliced bagels. Geoff was helping all over. William was a good gopher too. Max was a very supportive member of the party crew.
Ta Da!
Complete with a
Calamity Kim apron, Maria was
this happy all. day. long!

There were 3 princesses, including Princess Emma (pictured) and Princesses Izzy and Maria. There were 11 princes! William, Alex, Max, Nick, Tristan, Morgan, Karsten, Jared, James, Jacob and Jesse.

These princes were chillin'.
Far away. Alex, with his wry wit, later remarked that the day was surreal.
There was a great deal of pink and accessories, and not a Lego brick or robot in sight.

Tristan was a fun party guest. I noticed that he systematically visited each craft station and activity, where he quietly and contentedly enjoyed painting rocks and plaster flowers, then planted a real flower. He was with us at the pond and on our explore and wherever he was, he politely and thoughtfully played and engaged with people and the environment. Morgan too. What a little naturalist he is. He waited so patiently at the edge of the pond and time after time he could swiftly and gently scoop up fish in his bare hands.

All the fun we had at this pond makes me want to go back to the big pond where we celebrated Tristan's birthday.

Princess Izzy Isabella in her magical derpday wings.

Fun loving Nick and the princesses and of course cake. Mmmm... chocolate cake, and
beet extract frosting! Tasty.

I am going to be very patient, but I expect to see a lot of emails with photo attachments coming in real soon...
lol. How many cameras were working and flashing and capturing the fun? Many! Gretchen and I were messing with Hans this time, doing our over the top photo love.
We are so funny. And a special shout out to the anniversary couple btw. I'm so glad you are celebrating together this year!

There were a lot of guests that joined us in celebrating Maria's birthday, and I am so glad they were there to hear Maria say, "I love you all. And thank you for coming to my princess derpday. And... and now I just want to open presents."
Now let's head out in to the park and enjoy the sights. Let's run around with cousins and friends and look for those frogs and float leaves...

Izzy, Maria and Jacob.

James, Tristan, Morgan, Maria and Jacob...

It's a nice treat to be in a favorite place and see people that I love there, together. We should do this more often.

Maria and her cousin Jesse.

Here is the adventure ready
J Crew. Jacob and Jared, Jesse and James.

Did I mention that
everyone was having a good time? I think uncle Rich would like to come back here to play again. He and Morgan were the most successful fishermen. Max and Nick made a cooperative and patient team.

Max held Nick while Nick prepared to make a catch... they didn't ever fall in, so I guess it was a good idea. It was certainly a pleasure to watch them playing together.

Happy birthday Maria. You had a vision and it was so much fun to see it come to life. I hope you always find a way to make your beautiful dreams come true, and I hope we can always be around to witness the joy you find and inspire.