Saturday, June 03, 2017

3~ Some of Our Saturday

Some goats and some chickens, some egg collecting, and feeding the farm. Some monkey bread, thanks to Alex, Bambi, and Max in the midnight kitchen! Some crocheting, with a happy shift in thinking, believing and behaving (I gave up trying to complete a granny square blanket that doesn't look like it was made by someone who has never made one... because: I am an amateur, and con amor I am making a wonky, crooked, earnest, and funky thing, that I somehow adore more, now that I am being realistic.) Some kitties, and some clutter, some tidying and dish washing. Some of this Saturday is behind us, and some is still ahead. I hope you, too, have found some good in your day.

With Infinity More Monkeys, a picture a day.

Friday, June 02, 2017

2~ Worthwhile

On Instagram I shared a peony bud, tightly closed, with pink and mottled petals densely layered, closed, like a secret. I remarked, As though buying yourself flowers isn't a nice enough treat, peonies are like prettily wrapped gifts, that open themselves, to delight. In the store, some peonies are already open, already glorious and bodacious, and they are tempting. But my favorites are the private, shy ones. I don't mind seeing them before they bloom, waiting, observing the quiet affair... petals multitudinous, and unfurling, some blushing and smooth, some finely ruffled, a sensuous eruption, unhurried. Peonies are made to delight, blossom to do so. I hope you can grow them, and if not, like me, I hope you can buy yourself this worthwhile treat.

With Infinity More Monkeys, a picture a day.

Thursday, June 01, 2017

1~ Coming Home

Alex came with me to bring Max home for the weekend. On our way back south, we stopped at a favorite spot, where we watched dolphins, in a pod, swimming down the shore, only a few feet beyond those breakers. You know, whatever ignorant or selfish ideas anyone wants to espouse about our planet, its worth, and our need to protect and defend it, I believe having clean air, and water, are sufficient cause for us to act in accord with good stewardship, and sensible safeguards, for ourselves, and generations, to live healthfully, intelligently.

One planet. One home. We are in this together.

With Infinity More Monkeys, a picture a day.

Wednesday, May 31, 2017

31~ At Home

Tucked into a corner of the living room, immediately adjacent to the open kitchen and dining room, is Geoff's lab... one of his labs. You could count the space he works in when he's running Frankenrouter, or the table in the garage where he's surrounded by the tidily organized drawers of tools and parts. I am hard pressed to think of an area of making, of creating, that he hasn't at least thought about, or dabbled in. Before I go to Google, I ask Geoff. I started listing all of the things I know he can do, all of the projects he's completed, but printing it would embarrassment him. The richness of his accomplishments is noteworthy, and quiet, too... add humble, and modest, to that list.

I frequently daydream about lottery winnings, or a Chickenblog publishing, or ad revenue, windfall, and the fun begins when I oversee the remodel and construction of a workshop... bump out the garage, enclose the carport, add windows, and light, storage, and workstations for seminars and make events. Our stroke of luck would facilitate space and resources for the designing, tinkering, playing, learning, building, and making that we love, and that we love to share. It's nothing to do with dissatisfaction with all we have... it's just a happy notion, a gleeful wish for someone I love, for dreams we measure. Either way, I want to always see him in the golden chair, tinkering and making, in the heart of our Bird House home.

With Infinity More Monkeys, a picture a day.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

28~ Make! Make! Hooray!

After making comes playing! William and Geoff lent their hands to Ido, at our Make party, and then everyone got to play with the latest Junkcade arcade video game!

With Infinity More Monkeys, a picture a day.