May is the blogiversary month for
Chcikenblog Chickenblog.
How much time would I save if I just renamed the blog "Chcikenblog?" Well, even after eight years, there are some things that do not change. I went on a sentimental journey this morning, browsing through May photo archives. Enjoying random May happenings all the way back to 2003.

It's their anniversary. I love random crazy happenstance: I was immersed in these great photos and memories, then I saw Alison's FB message to Bill, wishing him a happy anniversary.
Bill and Alison were married on this day, seven years ago. Oh my gosh...
their wedding, all of it, was amazing. I rarely posted images in those early days of the blog, but I remember wanting to share all of the beautiful moments from the rehearsal dinner, the shower, the reception, the ceremony. We were having so much fun.
Other Mays...

On the beach in Coronado. Alex. William. Max. This was taken in 2006. I don't think we were there for a "special" occasion. I can see we were having a good time.

Ah! A little sleuthing and I discover
we were purposely pursuing "quality" time... quantity time was in short supply because Geoff was
still in crunch mode at the office. We really needed to have this day of distraction and laughter, so glad we made it happen.

Also May of 2006.
Did she just wake up? Funny little pouty face. And of course Alex is wearing his usual beaming smile. Heart of Gold.
Suddenly I need to grab some cheeks.

Love these two.
The first time I ever set eyes on Geoff, he was fifteen years old, just like William in this photograph.
They have so much in common... interests, integrity, brilliant minds,
enviable hair.
Love these two.
A year later and we were making new May memories, again with Bill and Alison.
And now Dominic and Maria were in on the fun...

On the Lake near Angel's Camp, in California, Bill and Alison introduced us to tubing. Freakin' hilarious. This is Alex and William screaming with joy that rises up from the depths of your soul... fear-fun-speed and water are awesome forces!

By the way, Lakes, in May, are
cold. It is a huge testament to the fun we were having that we were in the water at all.
And yes, sometimes I say "we" and I am really just talking about other people and I was a witness. But this time when I say "we," I mean it.

Max on the left and me, the
chicken in Chickenblog, about to be hauled across a lake. Can you tell I was rethinking my decision? I was totally rethinking my decision.

Now I am committed. Screaming, yes. Laughing, yes. Experiencing fear-fun-speed and water, that makes joy rise from the soul
and soles, yes. Yes, yes, yes, and yes.
Why haven't we been back?

This is making me rethink our plans for
this summer.

Whether we go abroad, go cross country, or
staycate, we must include time in the water.
Such good May memories. Such a good reminder of why I love Chcikenblog... all the good memories, January through December... 2002 til this day... I can look back, recall, and rejoice, sigh, and get inspired. It's a strange, sometimes selfish thing, blogging. It's personal, silly, deep, and amusing. Eight years is a long time, and no time at all, and I am glad some of it is here. If you have a favorite memory, from here or your own blog, please share it. I will be having a blogiversary gift drawing on Friday... something silly, or deep, possibly amusing.