I have been tagged for a Quirky Meme by Calamity Kim. So, I am supposed to share 6 of my quirks. I had to go to the dictionary: "A peculiar trait." Also: "Idiosyncrasy" and "Eccentricity." Then I had to think. Hmmmmm
Lately I feel less and less eccentric or unique. The more people I meet and listen to, the more blogs I read, the less I see myself as a special individual. Which is not the same as saying I am not special... I just mean there are a lot of eccentrics with peculiar traits, so many in fact that it makes me feel rather common, typical, unquirky. All my life I have had ideas and dreams, little hidden desires that I hoped to act upon one day and everyday I come across more and more people fully embracing the things I've been hoping to do, and living out loud the secret wishes I've been making.
Are memes really supposed to make you ponder and think deeply? I don't think so. I also don't think I have any good quirks.
Now if I could get a pair of kittens to ride along with me in a sling, that might be a bit quirky. I could wear a big hat, mine would be a cowboy hat, and I would casually as you please walk around town with kittens at my waist. Or a hen. I could be a chicken lady. In a stroller, or sitting by me while I drive around running errands.
This isn't quirky, I don't think. When I see dreadlocks, my scalp itches... no, not my scalp... more like my brain. My thoughts itch and I feel it in my scalp and I get a compulsion to shave my head and run my hand all over my head. Just saying.
Is this quirky? I like other people's dogs better than my own. Well, ya, we don't have a dog. Sometimes I really believe I want a dog, but I know if I had one I would be very distressed. Dogs need a lot and I never feel like I am giving them enough, so that their little dog faces stare up at me and I live with a horrible sense of guilt mixed with regret, in spite of the fact that I love them. I love other people's dogs and I like to pet them and feed them and I love to hear them drink water. I love Molly and Toby, Sam, Jasper and Pippin, and all the dogs riding in cars hanging out the window and soaking up the sun in the breeze. Other people's dogs are the best.
Through art, Alex expresses his desire to break for lunch.
A lot of people have said I am
How about liking funny faces, grouchy faces, even blurred photographs, is that quirky? Not so much. I like Maria's pout. I even liked it when the babies cried sometimes. If I knew they were safe, clean, fed and they were just having a cry moment, I liked it. They get so expressive and they are so powerful and I just love hearing the effort. Then I love to scoop them up and embrace them. Sigh.
Dreams don't make us quirky, do they? Recurring dreams about places, like Mexico, where I used to go as a girl. No, that is not quirky. Never mind.
Let's see... peculiar...
I like the taste of bell peppers, but I will not eat bell peppers. I flavor dishes with bell pepper, but pull the little suckers out after cooking.
I always sleep better when my feet are clean.
That's it. I've shared enough. As much as I write and post on Chickenblog you might not guess that I am a quiet person, more shy than outgoing. What I would really enjoy is hearing from lurkers, family, friends. Do you know what a lurker is? If you read Chickenblog and never say "hey" or make yourself known, or make comments, then you are lurking. That's cool, but just this once why not say hello and tell us something about yourself. Do you have a peculiar trait? What are your quirks, or just one quirk. Please. Life is so much better shared.