"Wow," I thought, "What a generous gesture, and from someone I've only recently met through blogging." A few visits to "Calamity Kim's Craft Cottage" is all it takes to make you realize you are in the midst of crafty goodness. You would think she is in possession of a magic wand, which she whips out to produce fanciful aprons, party pennants, doll quilts and countless collages. And it isn't just her own talents she's sharing; at her blog she is always singing the praises of other bloggers, quilters, creative people. She generously shares the love. Can you imagine how lucky I felt that she decided to share with me? She built the suspense with hints and reminders that something good was coming, and when the time came I sat on my mailbox like a happy, expectant hen.
Now I am clucking and crowing, because her amazing gift has arrived.
(Kim, should I show everything?
You know it's going to make our friends envious... people will drool on their keyboards...)
The anticipation was so keen and pure, it felt like Christmas... childhood Christmas, when someone else did all the preparation and you have no idea what's coming next! The mailing box had cute stickers and everything was wrapped, so that the fun and gratitude started before we even had a peek at what waited inside. My heart raced. Maria was in awe.
An apron, that's what she promised. I was waiting for one whimsical and fun, chicken themed apron. We opened gift after gift, after gift, and there were gifts inside the gifts. When set end-to-end the contents of Kim's care package reach the moon.
She made an apron for Maria!
Oh... it's so thoughtful and sweet.
Look at the pocket!
Maria loves pockets.
She laughs about the egg pocket.
One apron is a lot of work, but what about two-in-one?
Kim does not skimp on details and quality.
She thinks of ways to make something good even gooder.
Joy! Reversible apron joy!
Joy and chenille and party pennants!
We are having a party just for the pennant.
How did she know that I adored her pennants, with their cupcakes, rick rack, pie (we love pie!) cozy chenille and tea cups?
How can this woman be so generous and fun? I feel dizzy.
Here it is: My very own Chicken Palooza Wow Wow Wooza Wonder Woman Apron.
We feel like queens.
Like serving up a batch of cookies.
Like the luckiest chicks in town.
Kim. Kim, you have no idea what joy you sent to our home.
My apron has chicken fabric here and chicken fabric there. Here a chick, there a chick...
a chick, chick!
Maria wore the silk rose on her head and she tried to put those teeny tiny glass slippers on her feet. She put the fuzzy chick in the little basket and I tied the tulle bow in her hair... we are going to spend days and days reveling in this bounty of feminine fare.
Hey diddle-diddle the cat and his fiddle
are playing a happy tune.
With buttons and bows, as cute as a rose,
a package came after noon.
From way out east, destination west,
Calamity whipped-up a surprise.
She's no shrinking violet, our generous Kim.
She's crafty, clever and wise.
Confections, delights, wondrous sights,
aprons, pennants and lace.
She filled up a box. She filled up our hearts.
She filled our house with grace.
Fried-egg pockets, butterflies,
cupcakes, chicks, and trim,
made to amuse and delight,
the stitches of Calamity Kim.
My little girl laughed to see such a sight
And I am over the moon!
Thank you. Thank you ever so much.