Thursday, July 19, 2007

Summer is Flowing

Summer is flowing and going. I don't necessarily want summer to last forever, but I sure do love our freedom to come and go and make our own plans. I notice a lot of bloggers go on a post hiatus in summer, so they can more fully immerse themselves in the pleasures of long days, and warm weather chores. Today Firefly, at "I Live On A Farm," took time out to reflect on her new found appreciation for summer. Compared with So Cal, Western New York has a short growing season and so I can imagine it is savored and relished, far more reverently.

The Pay It Forward sign-up is filled, and our talented and generous participants are: Janece of "No Ordinary Moment." From "Tea Time and Roses," Beverly. And also, Tracy of "Pink Purl..." I hope she agrees to bend the rules and not worry about starting another 3 PIF's. She could wind up in a neverending crafty cycle of giveaways! If you missed the sign-up here, then rush over to Janece's or Beverly's and sign-up quick. Or, if you are just looking for a good place to share your talents and generosity, then please read Tracy's important post about helping a friend in need.

I have a lot of tasks, projects, chores and activities that I need to immerse myself in, like scheduling some driving classes for William, pay bills, wash my panties, help Alex get out some thank you cards, make crafty cleverness x 3... ya, that's the tip of a really huge "to do" list iceberg. Yes, a ginormous iceberg!

What I am trying to say, is that I need to get off my butt and finish other business, get smart, make hay while the sun shines, shake a leg, look busy. No more lazing about, daydreaming, cookie lusting, slacking.


Anna Banana said...

How does Alex feel about washing your panties? JK! My lazy eyes read it that way. GTB..

Natalie said...

I still gotta wash my panties, but I switched up the batting order!

tea time and roses said...

Hey Natalie...

Thanks so much for the mention of the PIF swap... Wow, that flower is stunning just beautiful. I cannot wait to visit Firefly. We all need time away, but I sure did miss her lovely posts...


Tracy said...

Whew, but we've all got a lot to do these days, don't we?! And I need to add panty washing to my list too ;o) Oh, your PIF is such fun--and I'm thrilled to be in your 3, and will treasure your handmade gift! And I thank you so much, more than I can possibly say about the mention of the craft venture I'm helping on--we're 16 happy hands to help Krystal! I'm so happy, I wish I could join the kids and run through your sprinkler too--heheheh! ((HUGS))

Tarie said...

I have so much to do too! Actually, I have so much to READ (for work, for leisure, to keep in touch with friends...) and write!

Tarie said...

Cookie lusting sounds gooooood. I wanna do that too. :)