September 19~
William is the cat's meow.
this is as scary as I want my Halloween, or any day. From now on. Forever. It's too much to ask, I realize, but can we get some kind of break, at all?
This post is an escape, a focus on anything in recent days that has turned my head, captured my imagination, lifted my spirits, given me hope. I wish we could all choose to take a break, to close our eyes, or open them wide to take in a beautiful view. I wish there were hopeful moments, safe spaces, promising horizons, for everyone... peace, kindness, compassion, reason, and empathy are in want. I am taking this time to reflect on the good that sustains me, and that will help me move forward.

September 23~

Our friend, Manuel~

This reminds me... I want to plant a bed of wheat. When I should I do this?

Standing out while blending in, at a favorite spot.

Sometimes "word" art is too much, too cliche, or saccharine or preachy, or verbose (like me), or bland, and sometimes I am tempted. I do love words. And metal. I love enamel ware, and galvanized steel, and forged steel.

I have been smitten by these patterns since memory... there was a fabric shop in a brick building on the 101, in North County, on the west side, north of Swamis. I would time travel to that shop.

The girl who never naps came home ready to make an exception. I think we all napped that day.

Her socks:
You're beautiful. Don't change.

September 26~
This rat he pulled out of my basket on the dresser, threw it onto the bed, and tussled it into submission. It was epic.

September 27
Seventeen, and a half. He is our old man, and months count.

September 28~
Almost tempted to braid it. That beard.

She knows.

Friend, taking his share.

Did he stay here all day? I think so. I could have done the same.

September 30~
When I put up the post box, with the bird embossed on it, I imagined a little message center between it and my postcard stand. Now we have the note paper and my chicken shelf. Maria and I leave letters in the box.

A mash-up of lessons and interests... Maria is homeschooling, studying art history, and world history, and she gets lessons in ancient armor and weaponry from Alex, then she researches more for her D & D characters. All of it seems to be showing itself in sketches she has on her desk, in her folder.

We could pretend this is a mighty roar, to greet the day. We could...

October 3~
A hat, to pass the time. This was a long day, in suspense, and care. We've heard good news, since, and the hat is finished, too. I've also started another hat, and a shawl. Because, there is a lot to care about, and be in suspense over.

I walked up to entrance of the market, and in the farmstead display I found pigeons. It was as though I was the only one who could see them, stealthily perched in the cornstalks and gourds, surveying the price of pumpkins. Were they nest shopping? I could have watched them for hours.

It's been months since I sketched. I feel awkward and inept, all over again.

October 4~
Introducing Sweet Pea to the dog biscuits we stock in the Little Free Library. Good dog, Sweet Pea.

We can put anything up there, but for me
it will always be the pumpkin shelf. And it will always make me long for Massachusetts, and passing time with Jennifer.
Infinity More Monkeys, a picture a day.