When you are in the company of the nicest, smartest, best looking kids around... a
little civil disobedience is good. Fun. Spirited. Safely executed. And destined to be a huge success.
With permission from at least one instigator and fearless leader, I will tell the
censored tale of how the
Kook came to join FIRST 2102 Team Paradox, supporting his district's high school robotics teams.
No names. No locations. Participants may not be who they appear to be... make no assumptions. This venture was thoughtfully and respectfully planned, with provisions for restoring the Kook to his former, board shorts self. No animals were harmed. Chaperons were on hand, and may or may not have carried ladders, provided zip-ties, fed participants, given rides.
Some were promised complete anonymity. They may come forward, but will not be coerced, harassed, or bribed.
So, several people had the idea to play along in a tradition of dressing the surf statue, affectionately, (or disdainfully... there is more than one camp on this point) known as the Kook. A
home base and supervision were procured. The assigned day for the operation arrived, and began as a mini-bot build day, then was joined by a Chairman's Award work party. Marketing, outreach, corporate, and build were well represented.
Wardrobe options were planned, then implemented.
Did you like the skirt? Nice touch. I don't mind saying. *ahem*
Look at my kitchen!
Here is the metal shop. This is where a lot of the mini-bot building happens. And it was also a good place for finishing an English paper, scrap booking,
ssstube cutting, pizza eating, and mascot design.
Perfectly innocent.
You are not looking at the girl who voiced the idea, or made a big, beautiful sign. You are not looking at the girl who rounded up the troops, and found a secret lair. None of these bright youths were up past their bedtime.
Working on school projects, and FIRST interview preparations, snacking, watching movies, even having a chance to talk to an engineer from one of our great sponsors... the waiting was full of activities, both fun and productive.
Team members of the robotics club are the most involved, busy, active students in school... they represent in almost every single school club! It makes FIRST 2102 Team Paradox a club well represented by interesting and talented people.
The threat of inclement weather led to a decision to wrap the sign in plastic, which was a good choice. And when all the details of the Kook's new look were made,
someone got everyone a specific task assigned. A scouting party headed to the Kook's pedestal and surveyed the scene. It was determined to be too busy at 10:30 pm, and it was noted that the Kook's pedestal is pretty darn high up!
This is just a random photograph from my files. Typical Saturday night.
One more movie.
Adventures in Wild California, actually, which is not only a good film, but also kind of appropriate. The
bigger ladder loaded... and an hour later...
How to
respectfully be a bit wild, and enjoy a moment's civil disobedience:
1. Find adults willing to condone said behavior, and provide supplies etc.
2. Plan your ensemble, and delegate tasks.
3. Make provisions to undress Kook and thoughtfully bag and preserve whatever outfit he
was wearing.
That group was called "the str!p club," which of course is inappropriate, and funny.
Up top someone is busy, and below many someones are busy. Like a fine oiled machine.
Like FIRST 2102 Team Paradox!
4. Be sure you have a message, and see that it is clearly and concisely expressed. In this case the message was an invitation for all to come out in support of area high schools that are participating in
San Diego's FRC Regional Robotics Competition. The message was about community, gratitude to sponsors, team spirit, school spirit, and good-natured fun.
5. Watch the time. Parking along that road after midnight is a no-no.
6. Watch for Sheriffs, and smile, wave. Thank them with your positive, respectful attitude.
Gratitude is a good thing.
7. Make sure to clean up.
Aced this one.
8. Step back and take pride!
And take pictures!
I do not know these people.
But they look like a fun bunch of kids...