Maria and I have gone to visit the abuelos a few times. Antonia and Ismael are my abuelos, which actually makes them Maria's bisabuelos. Elias, my uncle, will be taking the abuelos back to El Valle some time this week. The 14 hour drive is hard for my grandparents to make, so we don't see them as often as we used to. Possibly we will return for a visit to El Valle this fall, when the Sonoran Desert is cooler and the mosquitos have retreated. My abuelo has lived a long time; hard work and alcohol have taken their toll too. He has been asking around for a horse that he can ride home. He assures us that on the right horse he can be home by night fall. In his youth he outrode the Yaquis to bring his sister to Los Angeles.
Meanwhile, back at the Treehouse, we have been keeping things cool!
I really must get back to Target for some more water guns. I promise not to buy a cheap plastic pool this year, but I simply must have water toys when the sun is heating up the neighborhood. Last night we soaked ourselves thoroughly, and it wasn't even hot enought to justify a school night water fight, but it was fun. Also fun: Sleeping in the new mosquito proof gazebo/tent. We dragged down the air mattress and lots of blankets and slept under the stars (obscured by the marine layer.) I never have to try to find an excuse for having a good time.