Everyone is sick, so we can play together and not worry about cross-contamination. You should worry about contamination, so if you are healthy do not come over to our domestic Petri dish. We
Now that I have proudly displayed our kind and generous attitude towards the people we know and love, allow me to show you what we do for complete strangers… yes, that’s right, we share! And anyone that thinks we should have stayed home and rested is silly. Do you honestly believe children rest when they are sick? No, they do not. They are either sent to school; so they can keep up with their peers, so they can go on to apply to expensive universities. Or they stay home and wrestle, run, jump, build tents and declare their profound boredom every 42 minutes.
We were more than half way to Orange County before Alex noticed we missed the turn-off for their school. William was in on our plan to play hooky from school. I think it was therapeutic for us to spend time together in the fresh air and sunlight. We walked a lot and laughed a lot. We drank plenty of water.
And most importantly, we showed our love for the birthday boy by playing with wild abandon.
We frequently asked William, “Where to next?” He led us to Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom ride, and he talked us in to riding the Matterhorn, twice.
We stopped to watch the parade, which
Maria loved.
We took aim at tombstones and cactus in Frontierland, honing our hand-eye coordination and manual dexterity.
I cannot say we are coughing any less today, or that we might be healthier if only Geoff had been at work, the kids in school and I had folded socks and dish towels. We had fun. William wore his new T-shirt: “It’s All Fun and Games,
Until the Flying Monkeys Attack!”
Maria took a long nap, bundled and content in her stroller.
And we saw the elusive Disney Cats. I think they must control the mouse population. Ironic, yes?
Oh, and one more thing you may hear us allude to in casual conversation, at cocktail parties, at the spa… Geoff saw Helen Mirren. I saw her too, and Willliam and Alex saw her from behind, walking away like a Queen. But it was Geoff that made eye contact with her. She returned his smile. Weren’t we too kind? We didn’t chase her down for autographs and pictures and we didn’t give her our colds. But now we can say things like, “Yes, well, when we were celebrating our first child’s 16th birthday and Helen Mirren came by, we were so pleased.”