Friday, August 08, 2014

{this moment}

Inspired by SouleMama.  A special moment from this week. Please share a link to your moment, in the comments.  

Dom, Marissa, and Maria, Half Moon Bay, California. 

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Where's Sluggo??

Dear Mom and Dad, 
We cannot thank you enough for your generous Oregon hospitality.  You two look out for us in every way, and you made our adventures on the Oregon Trail even better than we'd hoped for.  

Back at the Bird House we play a game called Find the Cheese.  It started with a cheddar wedge magnet that Lucas gave Max two years ago. The cheese is hidden in our home and the finder gets to hide it, again.  Why does this amuse us, so?  Well, in honor of good fun, and local characters, we hid Sluggo... somewhere in your home!

I'm sure we've left a strong enough (messy enough, loud enough) and lasting impression, so you won't soon forget our time here. But Sluggo will always be around to remind you of our happy visit and our gratitude for the fun we've enjoyed!  Watch where you step! 

Sunday, August 03, 2014

Five Good Things

Our park, Morro Bay, California~

We stopped at this favorite spot and ate our picnic lunch.  Champagne grapes, apples, a baguette and Humboldt Fog goat cheese.  It was one of those simple fare occasions that was marvelously good.  It was the first day of our drive to Oregon.  

Our same favorite park, Morro Bay.  I was eager to see if we could re-take a picture I took of the four when we were there years ago.  

San Simeon State Beach. Our first night. 
Manresa State Beach... the one that was a complete bust!  Thankfully, Bill and Alison opened their home to us!

Cousins make the best buddies!  Our visit was brief, but very sweet. I can't wait to share the picture of my nephew, Dom, with his ball python.  Marissa was eager to make room for Maria. Cuties. 

We've made it as far north as Albany, Oregon, where we've been visiting Becky and Eunice, celebrating Max's birthday.  

We aren't exactly at the end of this adventure, but it's getting close to departure time, and we're squeezing in all the fun we can. 
Last night we walked along the Willammette River, then shopped downtown. All the businesses were closed, so it was ideal for wishful thinking and gazing.  

Good Things...

1.  Ron and Delia spoiling us with sights, comforts, and good eats

2.  Aunt Becky and Grandma spoiling us with their hospitality. 

3.  Anticipating our visit to the Albany Carousel Museum and Studio. 

4.  I played in a casino and walked away with about a 24% gain. 

5.  Grandpa Ron taking us all to see Gaurdians of the Galaxy, in 3-D... Commencing the happy celebration of Max's birthday~

It's not easy blogging from my phone, but I feel lucky to have some means of keeping CB updated.  Soon, I know, this time will be a happy memory and it will make me happy to have some things recorded.  I love seeing friends' posts, FB updates, and such... It's a blessing to have these means of staying connected.  I'd love to hear any good things you'd like to share. 

Enjoying Our Oregon Days

This is a rather random sampling, and hardly represents all that we are enjoying in Oregon... they're just the snapshots off my phone.  Sometimes, driving through the woods, going through towns, by lakes, I want to stop and make postcards.  Do you know what I mean?  Those beautifully composed images that capture the light, color, and grandeur of forests and trees, rivers, creek banks, roadside blooms, boats in the harbor.  But the car moves forward and I resign myself to the truth:  No picture of mine will get it exactly right.  I'm content to wave my hand in a sweeping gesture at all those views and say, Beauty!  Lovely!  Wish you were here!

My heart is with Alfalfa {we named her for all the green grass in her coat} and I don't know how I managed to leave the petting zoo without her. Alfalfa is the calmest most affectionate goater I've ever met. She hardly uttered a baaaa, and after a long session of rubs and scratches, she pulled herself up onto the bench to rest on my lap.  If it's too impractical to drive home with a goat, then I think it makes sense for Geoff to put a strap around her darling middle and take her as his so-lifelike carry-on bag, when he flies home.  

Oregon State Parks are the best. Not just because of the ice truck... But goodness, what a brilliant thing an ice truck rolling through the campground is.  We still have time here, but already I'm feeling sure we will be wishing for more.  More dunes, more beaches, more forests, more starry nights and foggy mornings, more time with our Oregon family.  

And today?  We are on a pizza and cake quest, there are games to play... Someone is sixteen years old, and we are eager to celebrate with Maximum fun!