This is my one thousand six hundred and fifty-fifth post on Chickenblog.
I have been posting since May, 2002.
In 2007 I posted two hundred and ninety-nine times.
So, far this year I have posted one hundred and ninety-two times, and even if I post every day from now until the end of the year, I will not beat the number of posts in 2007.
This endlessly fascinating to me. I appreciate that it is also possibly dull, but that's okay.
I meet people that say "I read your blog
all the time." All evidence is to the contrary, and some days I wonder if I can't choose to be as dull as I please in the blog, because
I can. be. as dull. as I please. if I want to. <---------------said in a
not whining much tone.
I used to think:
I blog because it is an efficient and fun way to converse and stay engaged with family and friends, especially those living far away.
Then I thought:
I blog because it will amount to, or lead to something akin to a career, or a career kind of opportunity.
In my best moments:
This is a personal journey of discovery and memory, a keepsake of my family life, our days on our big, blue planet. And I smile contentedly, and sip something organic and pure.
Not best moment:
I frikin' quit. (Insert assorted variations of self-loathing and bitter whining.)
I have thought:
Maybe if I get a puppy, wax my eyebrows, shop at Anthropologie, hire a life coach... maybe something affirming, lucrative, or interactive will happen in the blog, and my time spent writing will be justified, and respected.
I say too much. Which ironically is not too different from not saying enough.
More often than not:
I don't say enough, or much. I leave out a lot.

I make hen shaped pancakes. They are free form kitchen art, poured from a ladle. I call them
Hencakes. Hencakes are even older than this blog. They are more popular too. I harbor a small fear that someday I will see "Hencakes" in a glossy magazine, and people will rave and say they are adorable, and no one will care, or hear me whining:
I made those! Me! I did it first! I don't necessarily need Hencakes to be my legacy, but something would be nice.
Okay, so maybe it is more than a "small" fear.
Funny thing (for me anyway): I included a Hencake photo in another "blog reflection" type post. Fascinating.

Every year I buy more pumpkins than we carve or cook. Every Easter a pumpkin collapses under its own weight, and spreads across whatever nook it was abandoned in, and has to be scooped and hauled away. All too often this stinky-slimey, onerous job has gone to Geoff, which is a huge injustice, because he does not like pumpkins, especially in pie.
Mmmmmmm. Pie.
I fell asleep after two AM. I was out of bed at a quarter after seven. I probably not should machinery heavy operate today.
Just saying.
Ferris is recovering from his
cryptodich snip-snip surgery. He has a
very large incision. The word "probing" was emphasized in the post operative consultation.
Poor-poor kitty. Seriously.
We had weather this week. It rained considerably, confirming my concern that the
chicas' new home is more like a "shark cage" than a refuge in a storm. It flooded. Really, really, badly. No one took pictures, but maybe you can imagine me up to my ankles in muddy water, first trying to clear the drain, then simply trying to rescue the reluctant
foul fowl. I had to clear out
Betty's old table coop, find a dry cover for it, then herd the chicas in to the slightly improved accommodations.
I wish someone had taken pictures. I like to imagine I looked like a real farmer, soaked, muddy, and glowing in my adrenaline rush.
I don't have any more pictures to add to this post. I maturely decided not to include the adorable ones of my daughter and her cousins playing together, because it felt like a form of abuse... taking advantage of their adorableness to grab the attention of readers.
If you read today's post and leave a comment a child born before the new year will share your name. If you read today's post, leave a comment, and share a link in your blog, I will make a Hencake in your honor. If you read today's post, leave a comment, share a link in your blog, and include
Chcikenblog Chickenblog in your blogroll, I will carve, or eat, every single pumpkin we buy, and spare Geoff a rotten pumpkin Easter.
Lately I blog because it is so much more affordable than therapy.
Thank you.