April 10, 2011.
It was a hot day, in the middle of their spring break. Max and Maria were determined to go swimming. One hot day, after a long, cold winter, does very little to warm up a pool. I do not know how they endured this polar water dip!
iPhone, thank you. This reminds me of their bravery, how much they love-love-love the water, and the last year when they will be in the same school together.
April 12, 2011.
I cannot even remember what took us east. But I never go out there without stopping at our favorite market in the whole wide world. Manuel was there, and of course he asked about the boys. Then he offered Maria "any fruit you want... tell me." She chose raspberries, then asked to have her picture taken with our friend, the produce man.
iPhone, thank you. We have known Manuel, and all of the friendly and helpful people at Major Market, since our Rancho Days. I miss living out east, the pace and gentleness, the small town appeal and pride. I am glad we are warmly received whenever we return.
April 14, 2011
Our spring break 24 hour getaway, and playing with our farm animals. William, Alex, Max, Maria, Eli, and I took the GreenGoose and found a beautiful spot next to the creek, and for twenty four hours we played.
iPhone, thank you. It's nice to be reminded how much pleasure can be squeezed into a day. We brought toys, but we also made and discovered toys... like the oak twig fence and the oak leaf pig trough. We made leaf boats, and tree bark barges. Discovery and play... what wonderful gifts these are.
April 15, 2011
Eli and Max, and D&D in a tent. Spaghetti, campfires, oak trees, and raccoons in the night. Did I forget to mention that a helicopter landed nearby, that I thought homeland security was coming for the inventors who were building a furnace so they could manufacture... never mind. We had a real good time.
iPhone, thank you for being so handy and reliable, so easy to use. You are a lovely aide to my brain.
April 16, 2011
An evening at Maria's Park. Bicycles, and Smashball, the setting sun. Families gathered for play. William and Geoff had a seventy-six hit rally, which was impressive considering how many small boys were roughhousing at their feet, and begging for turns.
iPhone, thank you for capturing a moment in an hour, and reminding me that one hour can hold a lot of goodness.
April 22, 2011
Speaking of "goodness."
Oh dear. I wasn't sure I should post this. Have I ever mentioned how much Maria loves barbecue "rubes?" And really, do I need to use 'words' to express the up-to her elbows saucy devotion Maria has for this dish? I remember very well how especially appreciated this meal was. It was Friday night, after the fashion show, and we dropped Alex off to have dinner with the Fashion Guild, then we went off in search of our own dinner. We had the hardest time finding a tasty place we could all agree on, that did not have an hour wait. Maria was crying, the boys were starved and discouraged. At one point, Maria threw off her ears announcing that 'missing Alex and being hungry,' she was 'done with the ears'... it was a tragic, hilarious mood barometer. We did have to wait, and it was very late... but we did finally get our dinner.
iPhone this is priceless. Thank you for capturing the bliss, the healing, the bunny-eared joy. It reminds me that it is possible to overcome tragedy, to laugh again. And whenever I see this picture I will laugh again, and again!
April 29, 2011
St Louis, FIRST Championships.
Would you believe we think of quitting? It's true. We love it, and we need a break. It is far more stressful and challenging than I ever write about. Alex has struggled to feel successful, to feel a part of it, and while he loves designing and building, he does not relish the pressure, the roller coaster ride of expectations and politics. I know how we feels. It's why we need to work on the balance.
iPhone, where does the time go? I know him as the little boy who makes things, dreams things, pictures things, and he is growing up. Fast, and learning more about how the world is complicated, hurtful, amazing, frustrating, crushing, yet fragile. Thank you for capturing this moment that reminds me that minds are brilliant, hearts are resilient, and we keep moving forward.
April 29, 2011
Onstage, in St Louis: The Black Eyed Peas, Willow Smith, and a lot of lights and big screens. This is the i.am.FIRST concert at Championships. ABC will air this "loud and cool" concert August 14... i.am.FIRST is Will.i.am and Dean Kamen's collaboration to bring world wide media attention and celebrity to FIRST.
hmmmm... I understand the desire to promote FIRST, but I don't think upstaging the students, insisting they cheer and chant for half an hour so celebrities can make grand entrances, and then compromising the quality of robotics matches to accommodate concert stages is the direction that sincerely promotes science, technology, engineering, and math. I just happen to think the students, the geeks, nerds, wiz kids were cool all along. Old Cool.
iPhone, wow. Even from the nosebleed section, you caught the glitz and flash of a fun concert. Most memorable part: talking with an amazing teacher about schools and plans, opportunities and learning, about our children, our hopes for them. That was cool. And George S., congratulations... I am so happy to learn that Micah and George are off to such amazing places.
April 30, 2011
Caught! Up and out in the hall, past curfew. Apparently I already own a bad reputation, so no love loss here... hahaha. I was just helping Alex get to our room, before everyone else had to make early flights. Darrahl joined us to fill us in on sights he felt we should not miss on our last day in St Louis.
iPhone, you tiny, useful tool, thank you for snapping one last memory of a very full weekend, and for giving me a happy glimpse of what makes our team worthwhile and good. Darrahl, and Bobby... if we ever get back to St Louis I want to go to Bridge with you, and check out a few of those fifty local beverages you mentioned!
It is fitting that Dallas, of For The Journey inspired me to download the snapshots collecting in my iPhone. What are you carrying on your mobile device, in your cell phone? Maybe they aren't the best quality, or the most artistically composed, but those snapshots hold a lot of memories. Life is a journey, and hopefully you find a way to capture and hold moments along the way. I am so happy to have my iPhone for the journey.