February 21 ::

It's always good to see Max during the week, to meet for lunch or a walk. Sometimes we all go, to bring him home for the weekend, and have a dining hall dinner. I don't remember meals this nice when I went to UCSD! The walks on campus are pretty, and then we take the coast home, which is beautiful.

The second semester of her freshman year, and she's got metals. Alex and Max took this class during high school, and William and Geoff took the course in the evenings, through ROP (an adult education class, which was sadly defunded.) Maria was was anxious about this class... the metal shop and all of the "dangerous" machinery can look intimidating, but now she's been through the safety training, and can see that she is in a good space, and capable, she is really warming up to the new skills and projects.

February 22 ::

And speaking of
new skills, here I go, into beginning oil painting, and studying Impressionism, and Monet's painting style.
"Thin, then thick. Dark, then light. Big, then detailed..." are the key lessons. So far, I just want to remember to not hold the brush in my mouth.
There are so many more parts and supplies to this medium, and I never seem to have enough hands!
February 23 ::

Inspired by some home improvements happening, I decided to update this old nest box furniture we've had since forever. Forever = 2002. I want to keep it rustic and farm-house chic, but lighter, fresher, and apparently
not yellow, after all. Luckily, we have a lot of paint samples around, so I just kept brushing new shades on until I found something I like.
February 24 ::

Fred came to town, and I got to meet my friends for dinner.

Should I apologize because these are not quite focused? I can't be sorry, though. I love Anne's joy, and the hint of mischief in Fred's eyes. These two are seeing the world, and I love to follow their adventures, when Fred posts photographs.
February 25 ::

I think it's been a decade since we've seen this much rain, and most days are cloudy, but we get sunny days, and even when it is cloudy, our calendula and poppies are as bright as sunlight. We couldn't have a cheerier garden, and I don't do a thing for any of these pleasures. All of the flowers are blooming from the plants that reseeded themselves from last year. A lot of rain, a little sun, and my admiration is all it's taken to get these beautiful blossoms.

February 26 ::

February 27 ::

Rainy days and beams of sun streams are good for kitties, too.
February 28 ::

Here is one of those pictures I might share on IG, and it will make me feel blitheful and virtuous...
oh me, the merry farmer and chicken keeper, clipping her herbs for a darling nest. Now the hens can lay on a bed of lavender, and perhaps I make my own clothes, bake loaves of whole grain bed, and floss daily. Well, I do floss daily, but that's about all I seem to manage, lately.

The truth is, keeping chickens is a messy business, and most times I'm just happy to get them fed, and safely locked up at night. I haven't baked or sewed in ages, and my to-do list is more like an unchecked and ever-growing catalog. But, this one time I trimmed the lavender and crammed into the chicken's nest box... it was a good moment.

(This post was back-blogged on May 13, 2019.)