Tuesday, December 31, 2013

~Happy New Year~

Around the world, around town, wherever you are... I wish you a new year with great health, wonderful prospects, clever ideas, sufficient funds, plenty of time, helpful answers, warm comfort, kind friends, happy adventures, dreams coming true, faith, hope, love, and plenty of beautiful and inspiring moments. It's going to be great~

Go Figure

Without actually reading my camera manual, I try to take decent photographs. It's hit or miss. Sometimes, it's hit and miss. (I don't know what this means, but I'm okay with that.) Chickens are not easy subjects to begin with. They are shifty, flighty, and on the go. I probably should have a special lens, or know the right settings etc...

Anyway, I was out with the critters, and trying to get the "perfect" shot to demonstrate how much smaller Little Debbie and Lucky Penny are than the new hens. The difference is staggering, and funny to see. While I was crouching, and fiddling with the camera, one of the hens took the liberty of hopping on my back. I turned my head to see Thompson-Thomson-Tamsyn peering at me. And just for laughs, I raised the camera, turned it, and snapped an over-the-shoulder-this-can't-possibly-turn-out picture.

My mind went over all the ways I struggle with photography... to get good light, a sharp focus, timing... no chicken butts, no blurring, no half blinks. It's great having digital, and not feeling like an over-the shoulder Hail Mary is a waste, and I forgot all about it... until this morning. I took 148 pictures over four days, and this might be the best of the bunch!

Okay... maybe not straight-out of the camera, like this. Let's crop.

This is not 'shopped, only cropped. Great light. Great focus. Attentive subject. Kinda a fun artsy angle. Dang it. I'm better in a crapshoot than when I am trying!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Five Good Things

The truth: I don't feel great.
The other truth: Ever since I started Mondays with Five Good Things, I like Mondays better. I even look forward to Monday morning, and reflecting on nice, kind, funny, dear, sweet, hopeful, amusing, generous moments and people. The perspective shifts the whole dread Monday blues, and nudges me toward the light. So, even after scanning 42,000 motivational affirmations and just do it Pinterest memes, extolling the virtues of gratitude and attitude... I have my own proof. It really does help change the mood to change the focus, the message, the intent. Small steps, small wonders. So, I will go forward, in good faith, and state some good things. Real, good things.

Good Things...

1. The B-52's, Pink Martini, Tino Rossi, Julieta Venegas, Los Lobos, Gypsy Kings, Oingo Boingo, Jason Mraz, Suki Berry, Robi Kahakalau, Sondre Lerche, Daft Punk, They Might Be Giants, Andrew Bird, Linda Ronstadt, First Aid Kit, Of Monsters and Men, Bedouin Soundclash, Passion Pit, Montserrat Caballe, Dolly Parton, Alexandre Desplat, Louis Armstong, Na Leo... and more. Music. Playlists.

2. Pets.

3. Washer and dryer, in the house.

4. Second, third, fourth chances, and the will to keep trying.

5. Being married to, and in love with, my best friend.

You must have some good things, too... will you share, please?

Friday, December 27, 2013

The Stockings Are Up

We found the stockings last night. Max and Maria hung them, and the gingerbread is baked.  We're missing one package delivery... Oh well!  Geoff has to work late, after all, but we can roll with that.  Tomorrow, early, we'll sit beneath our Christmas tree, then wrestle with our cat over the gifts he's been hoarding and guarding from up in his faux fir.  And we'll laugh, and maybe look for batteries, probably complain about the absurdly hard to open blister packed things, and share happy sighs over perfect gifts.  And even though some of us insist food is unnecessary on Christmas Day, I have dough rising, just in case.  We will break bread, and give thanks.

Only One Egg and A Disapproving Rabbit

Since the hens started laying, we've had no more than two eggs per day.  I'm not impressed, neither is Malcolm Rabbit... Not sure when he's ever impressed, though. Once we are in regular, full egg production it will be more than we can consume, and that's when it gets fun, because we can share with friends.  

Stacy gave us her leftover pumpkins.  I gave this one to the hens last night, and as you can see, they very much enjoy pecking away at it.  Some foods can effect the taste of eggs... no onions or garlic for hens, please.  So, maybe the next eggs will go into a pie?

Yesterday we had everyone out and running around, which is always fun.  Well, fun until the goaters jump into the garden bed and start mowing down the beets and radish greens!  Goats!

December's Summer

The sky is blue. There is a warm breeze, and thankfully no more Santa Ana's.  It feels every bit like summer, until you realize the sun is going down pretty quickly.  I started pruning the roses last week, but as you can see, they have some lovely blooms in them, yet.  Even the tomatoes don't know when to retire. I imagine the Rose Parade will be gorgeous this year!

The Many Naps of Foo

Not the action packed we had been planning and wishing for.  We hope that by taking our C, resting, staying hydrated... Playing by all the rules, we'll knock these cooties out, so we can enjoy what's left of our break. 

As for Mister Foo... He's happy to have company for his many naps.  

Boots Up

We're back from a visit to our friends' kitty.  We're loving and feeding their pets while they're out of town.  We also popped into the market for some essentials.  It's a funny thing to be gathering provisions and feeling our own giddy anticipation of celebration while  everyone else has moved on, is in a recovery mode, and beginning to contemplate New Year's Eve. 

New Years Eve?  Goodness, we still haven't hung our Christmas stockings!  And before we begin the New Year, I have my own new year to think of.  Unfortunately this cold is derailing my plans for a surprise birthday party... I was going to invite friends over for Indian food and a movie, and *surprise, it happens to be my birthday, so cake!*  Alas, plan foiled. 

I'm putting up my boots, resting, and hoping for a swift recovery... Then I can initiate a new plan. 

Our Burrito Bar

My burrito was avocado and cilantro.  Alex and Max prepared tots in the waffle iron, and whipped up a dollop of sour cream with Siracha, to add to their Soyrizo and eggs. 

Maria wrote a grocery list.  It includes:  two kinds of pie, fruits in season, cream for her tea, and "any good Christmas presents."  She's covering her bases.  Smart girl. 

Anna Banana offered to pick up provisions for us.  It's such a nice comfort to get that kind of thoughtful text message... It's love.  I don't think we need anything... Except to be free of these cooties!

In The Kitchen

We made gingerbread dough yesterday.  Cut shapes and bake today, I hope.  But for breakfast: breakfast burritos!  Alex and Max are heating potatoes, making Soyrizo, and they have the Siracha ready.  Yesterday we received our first Cuckoo Maran egg... The brown one!  I'm having tea, but we've wiped out the jar of local honey!  Oh woe our suburban trials!  

Have I mentioned... Alex and Max insist that no meals should be served on Christmas Day.  Their energy will come from Christmas joy, and food will only make them sluggish and interfere with play!  This amuses and confounds me, and I'm glad to know them, to hear what matters to them... The solemn, the silly, the uniquely quirky. And perhaps we should have a hearty supper tonight!

Outside In The Run

Stepped outside to visit the feathered ladies.  No eggs! A day as bright and warm as any in summer, and these hens acting like they're on vacation!   

Tissues In Hand... Our Quiet Day, So Far

The Foo is dreaming sweet dreams without care.

My dear Grinchy Foo is snoozing on my lap.  Warm, furry and purring comfort.  

Somehow, we didn't see our regular parade of favorite holiday movies this year... But it's worked in our favor, and now we have an ample stack to enjoy in our congested convalescence.

Movies, and blogging, tissues, and tea, and a comforting kitty.  

 Welcome, Christmas, bring your cheer. Cheer to all Whos far and near. Christmas Day is in our grasp, so long as we have hands to clasp. Christmas Day will always be just as long as we have we. Welcome Christmas while we stand, heart to heart, and hand in hand.

Find The Christmas Foo

Right now, in the Bird House.  

Mister Washburn Foo:  Clumsy Ninja, Joe-Joe, Gunther, Lego Maniac, Le Foo, That Cat,  Your Cat, Foofers, SeƱor Le Foo, Wash, Polka Spots, Mister Scratchy, Monster.  

{this moment}

A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment.
A moment I want to pause, savor and remember.

:: Inspired by Soule Mama ::

If you're inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments, for all to find and see.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Oh Holy Head Cold

Tasha's woozy expression pretty neatly reflects how some of us are feeling, physically. Despite the nasty colds that swooped in late Christmas Eve, spirits are high, and we are determined to shake this before the weekend. Congestion, body aches, fevers, and coughing? Baaaaaaaaa. Humbug!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

It's Christmas Eve

Our tree is dark, and not a bit of sparkle or shine. Mister Foo guards it jealously, but we haven't stopped gazing at it wistfully, and laughing heartily, so that's good enough for me. Geoff is working weekends and late into the night, plus he's dog-sick, but we have a good time when he is home. The children are happy to postpone Christmas for a few days, so we can enjoy a calm, relaxed celebration... it was their idea, and I think it's brilliant. So today, and tomorrow, we can focus on family, meeting friends, connecting, music, and Christmas. Gifts and stockings, and the all-day-pajamas and play festival can come this weekend! Woo-Hoo!

Maybe we'll frost some more window panes. We are going to see light displays, especially our favorite. Maria wants to sing carols... I thought we haven't stopped singing! I think she wants it to be official, with our songbooks. We might bake cookies. I have more crafts I want to dabble with. And I've actually been trying to find holiday cards to send... no success there, but then again, I don't visit many shops. How about a picture of my goats in Santa hats? Caption: The Kids Love Christmas! Maybe, I shouldn't worry about sending cards... friends and family can get an overload of our news, here, any day! I've hardly watched any holiday movies(quite unusual for me), but we have been having Adventure Time marathons! That's where I lifted my latest declaration: I have approximate knowledge of many things. Yes, I am easily amused. Guess that's what makes it so easy to feel really darn giddy, even with our undecorated tree, colds, and missing family. Life is good.

Merry Christmas, friends. And happy holidays, and best wishes, and happy Festivous. I think we can agree, however we celebrate, this a special time of year. Thank you for visiting, for commenting, for sharing... you make blogging a gift.

Monday, December 23, 2013