Dungeons and Dragons
A real, delicious and moist cake
A GLaDOS sing-a-long
Steak and Pizza
A sleepover and big screen movie
Grandmas, cousins, friends, and revelers
It all adds up to a spontaneous, early celebration of Max's thirteenth birthday!
Well, almost thirteen. It's gone by fast enough. I want to savor these last few days before it's official.
Max has had quite a year. For one thing he grew. He is taller than his seventeen year old brother. He is taller than me! Maybe that is not so shocking to you, but still.
Reserved, and low key about a lot of things, it has been a pleasure to see him tackle new challenges, like when he took on sixth grade camp, or worked on building a T-shirt cannon. He is a diligent scholar, and a gentle boy.
I can't believe it's been a year since he met his kitten friend. I wish that I could protect Max from some of life's crueler heartaches, but he bears things well, and musters a lot of courage, everyday. In his own way, Max knows how to have fun, and I think this summer has been a golden opportunity for him to rest, create, recreate, and celebrate.
Big tool, gentle touch. Lighting birthday candles with a propane torch is an honor we reserve for children who are twelve years and three hundred and fifty days old.
Suki and Eli stepped into the hall for a moment so they could get their chords straight. A gamer-geek-Doctor party is not complete without a sing-along of Still Alive.
Yes, Suki is Aquawoman.
Why do you ask?
♩♫ This was a triumph.
I'm making a note here: huge success.
It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.
Aperture Science
We do what we must
because we can.
For the good of all of us... ♪♩♫
Huge Success!
Lucas and Eric built a gift box Tardis! It holds a gift! It is awesome enough on its own! It is sitting in a place of honor now.
This is pure Who joy. Max loves Dr Who. He eats fish fingers and custard. He wears a fez and bow tie... I think the Doctor actually picked that up from Max and Alex, who have been wearing fez and bow ties for years.
Lucas, Eric, Nick, and Eli gather around for the big reveal...
... and the Who joy is complete: a sonic screwdriver!
Max has not stopped using this all purpose device all week. It is source of happiness and philosophical reflection.
Wonderful friends, and beautiful family. Chocolate cake. Play. Music, and laughter. I hope Max has this, and more, all of his long and healthful life.
I love you Max, birthday boy.