Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bikini Eyes and Birthday Wishes

Mermaid Cake!

I may be better known for my Hencakes, but I do like to challenge myself. I also like to amuse myself, which is surprisingly easy to do. Seriously... I am very easily amused. It's one of my finer qualities. Ah, but I digress. Or do I?

Maria thinks it is hilarious that I "put eyes on the mermaid's belly!"


Whole grain Mermaid cake, made with Bird House fresh, organic eggs,
and Love.
And humor.
It was delicious.

Happy Birthday Ruth!
I can't say there is a connection here, except I know you like to cook, and you have a sense of humor too! Here's wishing you another year of laughter, and fun in the kitchen!


Julie said...

Sweet Maria! She makes me smile.

Love the Mermaid, eyes and all!

nikkipolani said...

Love mermaid eyes! Love that Maria-girl!

ArtyZen said...

Sigh! I am so envious of your pancake creations. I do try but never get anything so wonderful - I will think 'more love, more humo(u)r' and possibly find the eggs of some well-loved hens.

Farmgirl Susan said...

Best pancake EVER. :)

Tracy said...

LOVE, love, love the mermaid cake... those are great eyes! ;o) Glad you're having great fun days just now ((HUGS))