Congratulations Judy... another happy day for you!
Thank you to all of you who played along. I hope new giveaways and fun times are ahead for all of us.
Happy weekending!

this is an inspiring cookbook. Got eggs? Lara Ferroni has seventy suggestions for where to put your eggs, and she's covered those in her cookbook
Put An Egg On It. It looks like
Sasquatch Books has a lot of great titles in their catalog, and I was really excited when they asked me to share a copy of
Put An Egg On It with Chickenblog readers! So, whether you have laying hens, a great CSA, a favorite farmers market, or just no idea what to do with your market eggs, you will want to see all the new and creative ideas Lara Ferroni is sharing in her
eggceptional cookbook.
I have my copy, in the kitchen, and I am daring myself to learn how to make poached eggs. I've never had a
poached egg! Is that odd? I dunno. I certainly have never made a poached egg, so I will be following the recipe to the letter!
And if you would like a chance to win your own copy, to try something new with eggs, including duck eggs and quail eggs, please leave a comment here, and we will have a drawing Saturday, October 19, at 8 am, Pacific Time. (From Sasquatch Books: "For the giveaway, we can only ship to US or Canada addresses.")
I would love it if you shared this giveaway with friends, on FB, Twitter... the more the merrier, and I'll add your name in the fez twice when you share Chickenblog! Thank you, friends, and good luck!
***** Love seeing the FB posts, and your comments here on CB!
Thank you for spreading the word about this fun giveaway! ****