Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I Love the Finer Things in Life...

Concrete floors... fine by me.
Sleep in a barn... any night of the week, thank you.
Water from a mason jar... sure, they're free, when we buy Trader Joe's organic marinara.
Home, laughing at old movies, reading aloud... a perfect evening.

This sink, with the drain running gray water out into the garden?

Uh, Geoff... honey... how 'bout you and me sweating copper and mixing concrete, together, sometime? Please?


Geoff said...

>> how 'bout you and me sweating copper and mixing concrete, together, sometime?

Any Time!

Jennifer said...

simple is best

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

You two... do you have any idea how deep my smile is,
because of you two?

KathyB. said...

Natalie, I see we appreciate many of the same things ! What good taste we have in the simple joys of life. :)