This post is all about not wanting to see my last post at the top of the blog. Otherwise, I am way too busy and tired to be sitting here and posting to Chickenblog. Alex and I are just back from a high school open house, and we are hoping more than ever that they pull his name from the hat in the lottery. What a great school.
Last night was another school meeting to go over field trip details for Max's class. He is not looking forward to the field trip at. all. Poor guy.
Robotics. Wow. Very busy, which we knew, but now we are in the middle of the process and making the schedules work and doing drop-off and pick-up and kind of putting a lot of other things on the back burner. It's worthwhile, but intense.
What else?
Geoff is still at work. I miss him.
William is an awesome, reliable, patient, tender, attentive babysitter and I owe him a little more than just my praise and gratitude.
All 3 hens are in full on egg production and I actually have an egg surplus. Is it time to learn how to make a soufflé?
Fantam is a pretty hen. So, I guess it's kind of obvious that I like chickens and all, but seriously... they make me very happy. And yes, I know it's kind of ridiculous, but how lucky am I? I can tap into joy.
Did I say I have no time to post? Oh man. I have been cleaning and moving furniture and making donations and driving and shifting and sorting. And I am tired. In about 15 minutes I am going to herd all these children to their beds and turn off all the lights, and then I am going to sleep. But first I am going to listen to them and admire them and laugh with them.
I have been enjoying your comments, and I feel an apologetic post coming on... in person, I am quiet. I am a listener, attentive, reflective. But quiet, which does not translate well in a blog or email... unless I remember to write my reflective, attentive thoughts. I am sorry that I do not reply to every comment, but believe me I read every one and smile or feel bolstered or encouraged. You make me feel like a part of a community, like a friend.
Okay. Time to turn my attention to WAMMO.
Good night.
hello natalie - I can see I've got a lot of catch-up reading to do here at chickenblog! I loved your post on cupboard knobs. what a great idea.
First, good luck with the school lottery.
And second, I totally get the chicken thing. I could set out a chair and watch the happenings in the chicken coop. They make me happy too. Even if we arent big egg eaters. I just hard boiled 2 dozen of their eggs to give back to them. I need to eat more eggs.
It is sort of funny how I feel connected to my readers as well as to the blogs I read. It's so strange because we know so little about the others to whom we expose ourselves. Anyhow, I know what you mean about feeling like a community...well done!
Fantam is gorgeous! I still can't get over BLUE feathers on a CHOOK! I love that they are all laying now, your patience and faith have been rewarded! xxx D.
You make me want to have chickens!
Fantam is a beauty! Chooks make me so happy too! I just love my Betsy bird! Jack does too, I found him digging up worms for her yesterday when I got home from work.
I am also in the throes of having a clear out of STUFF! My Mary Engelbreit magazines, the ones that I said I would never get rid of? Except for a very special few they are out of luck. I am boxing and bagging and trying very hard not to get back into the boxes and bags and take things out.
Good luck with the balancing act!
Natalie, I love reading your blog.... I know I tell you that all the time, but it also makes me feel like a part of a community, and I like to think of us as friends! Oh - I've got 4 eggs now!
Great writing! I love the chicken blogging community and find watching chickens very entertaining, now I need the B's to all start laying - Spring???
I love your chicken blog! We have ducks, never had a chicken though. I don't know what kind of camera you have, but it sure takes some awesome photos!
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