Geoff enjoys his three year tradition of fixing an egg to his drill.
Alex relies on pencils and markers...
He gets an Iron tough egg.
It took a few tries before Geoff remembered that his successful method involved hot glue... just like our gingerbread houses!
William patiently added a fractal pattern to his egg.
Max, a focused artist, began with concentric squares on the top of the egg, that morphed into concentric circles on the other end. Time to re-introduce him to Escher.
This year I made fabric eggs.
And for breakfast we had hencakes.
Then finally I got around to painting an egg. Gee. What inspired me?
Once Geoff attaches the egg, he lets the drill spin and brings out his Sharpie collection...
In motion, the second black stripe.
Three stripes and your out!
Just kidding.
I'm so punny.
Not to be confused with puny.
I am not puny.
Here is Alex's striped egg.
We colored 27 eggs this year. It's the first time I bought eggs in a long time.
Our backyard eggs come pre-dyed.
Maria could not wait to find what the Easter Bunny left, and just outside the front door were four baskets with our family Spring traditions... new underwear, a chocolate bunny, and both Trader Joe's Fruit Leathers and their dye-free lollipops! (God bless them) After making certain that Maria's fingers were not broken when they were smashed in the closet door, we gathered all goodies, children, roasted potatoes and an ice pack and headed for Tutu's house!
I'm visiting via Posie Gets Cozy sidebar links. :) I enjoyed your egg decorating pictures as it's been quite a few years since our family did that together. I also had to tell you how much I love your pancakes. I stopped in here once on another day when you made them in the hen shapes and I got such a kick out of it. Made me laugh. Thanks.
Those are some fancy eggs of all all the painted variety and your fabric ones, Natalie! So nice to see everyone's work in progress. I've not decorated eggs since I was a kid...As we have only a cat, not much egg decorating here...LOL! Maria looks sooo lovely for Easter--such a pretty dress...And those hencakes are a hoot! Happy Days to you all ((HUGS))
Love the eggs! We didn't get around to decorating eggs for Easter, so I promised my kids we'd do it this week. This has given me some fun ideas. :)
Cool eggs! Your family is so creative.
Thank you for the egg praise. We have a lot of fun, and I always think we should dye eggs throughout the year... why not?
Hencakes are a favorite specialty of mine... especially because they are so easy.
Tracy, you give such sweet hugs!
These eggs are awesome! I love the drill year!
Thanks for stopping by my blog... Cherry tart--sounds deeelicious!
I wanted to tell you I tried making "dog cakes", hen cakes style, earlier in the week. Too ugly to share, believe me. :D I think you make those hen cakes look easier than they are!
As usual, Natalie, you entertain and inform! Hen cakes, so punny!! I love the ways you all do your eggs. You should check out Pat at Bell Creek Quilts post about dying eggs. She did it with old silk ties. The way you wrap,and boil them transfers the pattern of the tie onto the egg while cooking them at the same time, amazing! Looks like you had a lovely Easter!
we are totally going to bring out the drill next year at easter, what a great idea!
These are the coolest looking eggs. I love the sharpie/drill effect.
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