This post is going to be about as mixed up, weird and random as... as me! I am just going to throw stuff out there.
Stuff like posting the worst pictures I could find of the Bird House.
Why bad pictures, and unflattering views?
Because I am trying to calm my excito-meter. I am trying to chill, settle down, take it easy. My mind races with the excitement of impending domestic delights and I get all worked up and eager to be out of Garage Mahal and settled in to the new nest. Reminding myself that the Bird House is flawed, redirects my giddy energy toward industry and purposeful actions. I need to stop thinking about window treatments and paint chips, and where to hang my plates, and get busy with the practical and necessary chores of both moving out and moving in.
There are junk drawers in Garage Mahal and a garage that is overflowing with worldly treasures... moving sale? I have made some progress with packing, but experience tells me that the last boxes are the toughest. It gets down to the dregs and the oddly shaped things or the very fragile stuff or the things that have no purpose yet are highly valued and must be kept forever; those are the articles that will torment me when I am trying to get every last speck out of Garage Mahal and into the Bird House.
I cannot glamorize or overly glorify the qualities of Bird House, or I will be confounded and dismayed when I finally notice that any home, a rental or a dream come true, has weaknesses, needs work, must be whipped in to shape.
So, what's up with the hook in the wall? Any guesses? There isn't anything opposite the wall, and it's not the kind of place where you would hang a dog leash. Maybe they had some kind of heavy garden art-sculpture.
Clearing things here and coldheartedly purging excess and refuse is inspired by the sight of this:
This Bird House utility closet not only needs to be emptied in to a dumpster, but it also needs to be gutted and done over, because of a leak. Somewhere behind the drywall, or coming from upstairs and settling in to here is a leak, and the leak must be found and repaired. ASAP. What about those extra tiles? If I can find a Habitat ReStore, then maybe I can make a generous donation.
A walk-in attic! Stuff! Not our stuff! Oh boy!
Wait. Are those moving boxes? Excellent.
I wonder if the ReStore can pick up...
A couple of roof fans, some insulation and drywall... this could be an interesting niche.
This is a mixed blessing. What you see here is a mess of aging, failing and black widow-riddled pool equipment.
Pool? Did she say "pool?"
Gee. Haven't I mentioned the pool? I grin hugely every time I think on it. The children love the water. I love the water! We cannot wait to be loving our very own water, but my giddiness is definitely tempered by the reminder that the pool needs love. A. lot. of. love. For one thing, no one is getting in the water until we fix the whole "faulty wiring problem." Seriously.
This is lovely.
I pop over and dead head and give them a nice cool drink. I inhale and marvel at the colors and varieties. It's a raised bed and I can see it from the kitchen sink and from the driveway.
It truly is just like real life. It's good and it's frustrating, it is hard and worthwhile. The whole package. And my future self will thank Me very much if I get up off my blog and work. No more daydreaming or fretting. No more procrastinating or pondering. No more Googling Lewis Carroll. The time has come, to pack our many things: Our shoes and ships and sealing wax--- our pets and books and cooking pots and Lego sets and strings! It's time to call the carpenter!
I think we can all tell that you do take off the rose colored glasses of new ownership to look at all the nitty gritty (I smiled at your posting of the "bad" pictures). And surely there's tons of things to do around the place before and as-soon-as and while you live the Bird House™. But it will be your house and no one can undo your work (like mowers who hack at your plantings). You can lavish on it with all the love and care you wish.
Whoo Hoo! So I think this means the move IS going to happen?
Those roses are indeed lovely...lucky you!
No idea about the hook on the wall! It looks large and well reinforced, so something heavy must have hung from it, but what??
I have really been enjoying reading about your adventures in Europe and lately the stressful/exciting/crazy/ups and downs of your house-buying "adventure". It sounds like it's finally coming together for you all. I hope soon we get to see a photo of the keys. Best of luck!
Don't call Habitat! I will ask Kathy, leader of UU home builds in Mexico, to pick up those tiles and just about anything else you want to get rid of.
I'm so thrilled for you all! That rose garden is beautiful...I think I can smell it all the way over here in Michigan ;-)
that hook... for a clothes line?
Hi, Waiting with baited breath for photos of the new house once you are settled. This has been a long time coming and you must be so excited.
An interesting post! Even a pool! Good luck!
A beautiful house, roses and a POOL? Oh, and those fab drawers for organizing in the kitchen! How very exciting! I'm excited for you!
i realy enjoyed reading about your adventures !
and i have no idea about the hook !
good luck !
nice to know about that... keep posting xD
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