Monday, October 04, 2010

Quietly Reflecting

Max and Ferris.

Petting corral.

Feeding the little goats.

Maria riding Pal, her favorite pony.

The hay ride.

Max, William, Alex and Tutu-Ruth.

Nick and Izzy, aunt Holly and Maria.

Fun in the country.


judy in ky said...

Natalie, your photos bring a smile to my face.

whalechaser said...

Ever thought of making a calendar out of the fabulous photos?

judy in ky said...

I didn't comment yesterday, but I am SO impressed by your bike riding!

Елена Лебедева said...

Nice pets, luky kids :)

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Thank you for the nice comments about these photos... it's fun taking a camera to a place like a farm and petting zoo.
The pets are nice, and the kids are lucky... but Ferris is the only pet we take care of. The ponies, bunnies, goats, and pigs all stayed at the farm when we left for home! Although... I strongly considered sneaking a bitty goat in the back of the van.

Mary Smith said...

That looks like a really fun place. It's obvious that the kids are having a blast!

Tiglizzyclone said...

That first picture photo is special!!

Tracy said...

Sooo MUCH sweetness and delight... Thank you, Natalie! :o) ((HUGS))