Maybe I should tell you all about Logo~Motion, and 2102 Team Paradox's awesome kick-off event... but first, soup! Ramen and soup!
Isaac is home from home... that is, he is in town during his break from Berkley, and he came over to share his ramen skills with us. Lucky us!
Seriously... I love that he wanted to share his ramen recipe with us, not mention feed us. It turned into a fun night, and a good way to distract us from the crazy anticipation of the FIRST Launch.
Let's see if I can let the Droid handle the rest of this post...
Issac came prepared with soup already made. Max was eager to be Isaac's sous chef. (Five hours later: Forget Droid blogging. Back to the Mac.)
So Isaac made a vegetarian broth, and when he got here, he started preparing the dough for the noodles. Both Max and I were eager to learn and help, but I was really delighted to see how dedicated and diligent Max was about participating. Isaac is a good, patient teacher... no doubt skills he has perfected as a 2102 Team Paradox president.
Eli and James were here, and along with Alex they were seeing what needs to be done to upgrade and service Lavender. She had a few setbacks on the drive home, and needs some tuning. We figured with extra folks in the house, we should make plenty of ramen. Isaac carefully measured out flour, salt, and eggs in three bowls. Then Isaac, Max, and I started kneading.
And kneading.
And kneading.
And kneading.
And I probably should have kneaded even longer, because in the end the dough in my bowl was pretty gooey. Oops.
Timing the ramen, and heating the broth, getting the water ready to cook the ramen... Isaac was on top of all of these steps. Into the stock he added daikon radish, bok choy, and shitake mushrooms. The kitchen was smelling amazing.
Cutting ramen... requires a big cutting board and a big knife, both of which came from Isaac's home.
Max cut ramen too.
Isaac, you are dear to me, simply because you are an intelligent and good young man, and also because you are a wonderful role model to my children. We all admire and respect you. But you have endeared yourself to my youngest children, and as a parent, I am especially touched that they recognize you as a friend. Thank you.
Isaac fed us all, and himself last. Generous chef act of selflessness.
We each had our ramen and soup custom flavored with hot spices, and soy sauce. I need the name of the seasoning he used... it was hot and flavorful.
So. We had this delicious dinner, and the pleasure of sharing, and learning how to put it all together. And since then, we have had two really full days of robotics, where I took over six hundred photographs! I am so glad we were nourished, well fortified, for the launch of this new build season! Thank you Isaac!
Isaac, same plan for next year? We can put it on the calender!
Soup sounds good. Would you please send Issac over to my house?
How wonderful - that looks delicious. As a graduate student who eats a lot of ramen, may I place him on retainer?
Also, I am so excited to hear about this year's FIRST competition!
Wow, so impressive! Wish I could have tasted it!!
That really is impressive! It's so wonderful seeing young people taking an interest in and making good food. Yum... :o) Happy Days ((HUGS))
I just saw a piece on 60 Minutes last night about ramen. You know the coolest people who do the coolest things. I lot of them (most of them) are right in your own family. I live vicariously through your blog.
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