Tuesday, May 31, 2011

The Marvelous Wax Museum

Yesterday's grand opening of the Wax Museum proved at least a few things. It proved that a good idea is not always an idea that is immediately understood by everyone, but that sometimes everyone should exercise a little faith... because otherwise an opportunity may be lost. It proved that if you build it, they will come... and they did! It proved that we have dear, dear friends. It proved that a potluck never fails to fill a table with marvelous dishes. It proved that wax has interesting, useful, amusing, varying, and entertaining properties.

How did I miss getting a picture of King Kong? Patricia, seen here with Homer, made an Empire State Building style candle from bee's wax, and Geoff fashioned a bee's wax gorilla to climb its side.

Max led a bee's wax candle making seminar. We had about a dozen sheets from years ago, unpacked and waiting to be rediscovered. Lucky us! It still smelled faintly of sweet honey.

Maria was delighted to be making her own candle.

Also from years ago, we have a wax therapy bath from Delia. It melts therapeutic wax, which you can dip your hands into for a warm, moisturizing, healing treatment. This week it has been employed for therapy, mask making, for an oil painting canvas, and to double-dip the bee's wax candles.

These are awesome, and yes, they are wax too, of course. Our friend Chris brought them, and they are turbine molds. And. And I missed any further details about how they work, because I was busy stirring baked beans, or cleaning strawberries... I aim to learn more as soon as possible. But how cool, right?

Maria, you are amazing. Your first museum, and it opens on time, draws a wonderful crowd, and has already attracted fascinating submissions and patrons! Well done.

I love to make something of nothing. Do you know what I mean? There are so many little events and passages that slip by, and we cannot, or do not, acknowledge them, because they seem too small, too insignificant, or simply because life is busy enough... it's not always easy to put the brakes on "life" and live. But I love doing this... like accepting Maria's idea, letting it take its course, giving it support, making into something, when it easily could have been left to be nothing. And we really do have great friends... curious and generous, happy to accept the premise that "wax" is a good excuse to spend an afternoon together.

We watched slide shows from Maker Faire, and enjoyed live ukulele music. Alex shared the progress he is making with his physic's project... a wood bridge he is constructing, that will be weight tested next week. William shared the tombstones he is making for the Haunted House... oh, yes! We have so many marvelous Make projects going on! This one merits a post all its own. Believe me.

And when the late May sun finally set, we lit our candles. Even the broken ones proved to be captivating. Grant's upside down and sectioned candle, Fou-Fou, gave us many minutes of luminous joy.

Maria wanted the prize for longest lasting candle, and I suppose she earned it. Every candle possessed unique and admirable qualities. We lingered and laughed, making new plans, and enjoying the Wax Museum.


Anonymous said...

What a fun night! Way better than Madame Tussauds... (wax people museums are a little creepy, IMO)

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Dear Anonymous,
thank you. I agree with your remark about *wax people* museums... I have never been, yet the coldness, the unfeeling eyes of those figures seems oddly familiar. Maybe that is why I am so eager to seek the company of caring, living, responsive people.

Tiglizzyclone said...

Closed? Oh no! Please do come back soon!

Tracy said...

Hi, Natalie! Lovely to be back and catching up with you here after our travels. But hope all is well there, as I was sorry to see you'll be closed here for a while. You will be missed! :o) ((HUGS))

Judy in KY said...

Oh no! I went out of town for a wedding, only to come back and find Chicken Blog closed. I'm so sorry to hear that. I hope it comes back; you will be missed so much.

Anonymous said...

Pointless? Far from it! Blogging is a wonderful form of self-expression and I'm sure your kids will enjoy looking back years from now and reading what you took the time to write.

But taking a break to do other things is well and good, too.

Wishing you all the best!

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

A small break. Smaller even than I had anticipated. We cannot always know if we have chosen the right path, but I never have been adverse to changing directions. Thank you for your concern and kindness.

VanityofVanities said...

I guess, this is full of fun night to you guys. Back then, when I was still young, I am so fond of candles and remaking of candles from waxes. This post reminds me of the things I loved back then, that I didn't pursue nowadays. :(

Thanks for sharing,
Cathy@embroidery digitizer