Thursday, November 29, 2012

Like It Was Yesterday

I remember.
Our Maria Papaya.
The gift of her, completing our family.

She is a dream coming true.
Every day.

Happy Birthday, Maria. And thank you for being you... kind, sincere, curious, joyful, feminine, a dancer and a runner, a cook and a farmer, a robot designer and engineer, a spirited, loving, laughing, jumping, playing, exploring, inquiring, reading, singing, smiling girl. We love you.


Sylvia said...

Happy Birthday, dear sweet Maria!

judy in ky said...

Maria is beautiful, in every way, so smart and talented. I feel like I have seen her grow up through your blog. It has been a delightful experience, and I thank you for sharing it. Happy Birthday, Maria!

Jenny said...

Happy Birthday Maria! I can tell you are such a joy to your whole family.

Anonymous said...

Please give her a Happy Birthday from Southern California!

Jennifer (california)

Kim said...

Happy Birthday Maria! I like that "a dream coming true". You put it just right, Natalie.

Jennifer said...

Hurray for Maria, and birthdays, and family, and joy! And cake, and jumpy houses, and goats, and fairies, and dreams, and big brothers!!

ArtyZen said...

A beautiful tribute to a beautiful daughter. She is, and always has been, such a delight to look at and her intelligence and happiness show through the photos - it does feel as though we are looking at her through your proud eyes.

Come Away With Me said...

Happy birthday to Maria! What a lovely daughter you have, and may the dream continue to grow and blossom ever more beautifully as the years go by. Blessings!