Saturday, February 09, 2013

To Warm Your Heart

Here is a heartfelt Hencake for all my friends.
Maria likes hers a bit crisp. How do you take your pancakes?


Lady Cordelia said...

seriously? you just got the cutest pancake of the year award.

Anonymous said...

Can I have one too please? You can sent it to me by swishing it in to the computer and sending it via email!

Jenn in California

Janece said...

Aw, thank you! Lady Cordelia is right - cutest hencake of the year award!

Love to you and all at the BirdHouse this weekend!

Miriam said...

This is the best hencake EVER! I especially like the strawberry heart.

I like my pancakes not quite as crisp as Maria, smothered with real maple syrup and wild blueberries. With a steaming fresh cup of coffee and the newspaper. And a cat purring on my lap, and a dog snoring at my feet, and my honey smiling at me from the other side of the table. Oh yes, and sunshine coming in the window. (Is that too much to ask for?)

Tiglizzyclone said...

That is really sweet!

I love pancakes! Mine are usually crisp because I walk away and forget them for a few seconds too long. But I have never had a strawberry heart with mine!!

Kim said...

I like mine crisp too. In Hawaii, we call it "koge" (pronounced ko-gay) It's Japanese for "extra crispy, almost burnt".
I love your hen cakes, they are so adorable!