Friday, March 22, 2013

Flours ~Kitty~ Flowers

Always thankful to Alicia Paulson for our favorite bread recipe. Dutch oven bread.

Always thankful for garden blooms, like Lavender, Lemon Geranium, and Rosemary. Lovely spring.

Always thankful for the company of a playful & curious kitty.

Always thankful for friends, like you, to share our blessings with...


Miriam said...

Beautiful posies! Are they for something special?

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Thank you, Miriam.
I made two centerpieces for a friend's dinner party, and then little bouquets for each guest.
It feels wonderful to have lovely blooms on hand, and dear friends to share them with.

Dianna said...

The bread looks amazing. The flowers make me long for a garden of my own. The kitty pics remind me of my kitties hopefully enjoying the California sunshine at their "grandparents" house, while we are freezing here in Maryland!

Kim said...

I can smell this post from here!!!! It smells so good. Did you put the fresh herbs in the bread?
This puts a fire under my okole to get an herb garden started :)

ArtyZen said...

I went back to read the original recipe and it had me chuckling shaggily all over again! As soon as we're moved, I'm going to make this...though the Spanish seem to think that baking powder and yeast is the same thing...oh, and I don't have a Dutch oven either...and maybe I'd better unpack boxes first. As soon as I have the opportunity - I'm going to make this! And grow lavender and maybe even have a long as it's a pretty as this Kitty.

nikkipolani said...

How sweet are those posies. And little mounds of rising bread. Makes me sigh.