Wednesday, May 01, 2013

Something to Cluck About!

Your names went into the Fez of Random Name Selection, to decide who will receive Murray McMurray Hatchery's new book, Chickens in Five Minutes A Day! I want to thank everyone who dropped by Chickenblog and played along.

Warren! How 'bout a few fat hens running around your hills and bringing you fresh eggs to go with your honey, garden harvests, and violet blossom jelly? Warren, you and your family are the winners of Chickens in Five Minutes A Day, and honestly, in your capable hands I think this could be the start of something pretty awesome!


ArtyZen said...

Darn - missed this draw! What a brilliant cover photograph - made me chuckle. Lucky Warren - may all his hens be fat and funny.

warren said...

I am so excited! I would love to have a couple'a fat hens running around the place! I have been wanting to do this for some time now...maybe this will give me a perfect jump start!

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Pretty funny cover! Chicken eye ballin' us!

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

I really am delighted to
know the Fez came through.
You guys will make such awesome
chicken farmers... I can't wait!