Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Outside With My Camera Before The Storm

My camera card was missing for several days. As soon as I found it, I knew I wanted to go outside, before the forecast rain, and take pictures. I cannot explain why taking pictures calms me, grounds me, makes me happy. Or, maybe I could explain it, but I'd rather just share the pictures.

Mister Washburn Foo is not going outside. He's been parked on this dining chair all morning. From this vantage point he can serenade the gold finches that come to the feeder, the phoebe bird that sits on the back of the chair.

Did you notice Tasha's nose... the picture where she crinkled it up? What a funny expression. What funny goats... chewing on my apron, untying it, too. I wonder if they know rain is coming. I put more straw in their cottage. The chicas have plenty of food, and they're busy finishing the small bits of grain the goats didn't inhale. Ada is wooly. I was watching for that... for the soft wool to grow under her coarser outer coat. Could we be in for a cold and wet winter? Wouldn't that be grand! The flowers love the rain so much more than my hand watering. After our first storm, I could see how much greener, and more lush the sweet peas and snapdragons became. I spy Maria's bean sprouts... experiments for her Junior Master Gardening Class. This makes me realize I should sow carrot and spinach seeds, before the rain starts... perfect timing.


Come Away With Me said...

I love those furry little goat faces! But need to learn to appreciate chickens . . . I think that requires personal experience, not just photos (at least for me) . . . Here's hoping Ada's wooly coat is a portent for a cold and wet winter.

Judy in KY said...

I love seeing your animals, too. They look very contented. I hope the storm doesn't freak them out.

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

The goats always wear the dearest expressions... though some do object to their long pupils. Chickens... well, even I have to admit, they can wear the sternest, crankiest faces. They eyeball you, and knit their *brows.* Obviously, something about them clicks for me... if you could see one, legs paddling, come across the lawn... it's an endearing sight. Did you get loads of rain and thunder early this morning? What a thrill!

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Last night a doozy came through! Complete with thunder. They look okay this morning, but I doubt they enjoyed all the water falling from the sky!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy that you all are getting blessed rain! The animals look very happy. Love Tasha's expression. Our neighbors have two female goats, Sissy and Bitsy. They're fainting goats. I don't know the real name for them. Our toddler grandson loves them. Poppy takes him over nearly every day and they give them treats. Carol, the owner, is planning to breed them when they're old enough, and I can't wait. Nothing says spring like a sweet little kid frolicking in the pasture.

I used to be turned off by the long pupils, but I learned how sweet they can be, so it doesn't bother my anymore. They're beautiful animals.