{Oh shoot! I just remembered that I forgot. Darn. I wanted to sit with Margie and have another crochet lesson from her. Seven years ago she (tried) to teach me a unique kind of double-waffle stitch... it's difficult to start, but easy once it's passed the first two rows, but I cannot remember how to start it. I need a refresher!!}
Alex and Max started on the carving of the Viking tent's A-frame... our genuine inauthentic Viking tent. The tops of the tent poles will be carved as dragon's wings. I guess I lost the petition for the Viking tent to have a chicken aesthetic!
Good Things...
1. Fruit salad, banana pancakes, watermelon, yellow baby roses, quiche, fresh made lemonade, croissants... we didn't eat the roses, but they sure looked beautiful on our brunch table.
2. Being invited for another delicious dinner prepared by friends Mark and Jola.
3. Maria enjoying the challenge of learning a new dance to perform for an Art Festival.
4. Math 24 coaching for Maria from Alex S and Jola.
5. The return of Mike, and the commencement of phase two: Finishing the porch, and repairing the ceiling of the living room, etc... Things are looking really amazing around here.
6. Things are upside down, shifted, and in an upheaval, too... but I like where things are going!
7. We are getting close to spring break.
Blogging has slowed down, for a number of reasons, and not just here, but all over the blogosphere. It seems to be a fading genre... it's certainly changed since I started 13 years ago. I've toyed with quitting, often. But today, searching through archives, recalling wonderful moments from long ago, I am reminded that Chickenblog is a nice diary, a precious scrapbook. I may not post everyday, or about every passing event, but I don't think I can ever quit blogging, not for reals. As always, engagement is the best part of blogging, and if you would like to share some good things from your week... please do~
Glad to hear that you don't plan to quit blogging. Oh, and "little" Maria is growing up. I've been reading since before she was born.
Good things: Getting out of my comfort zone! I participated in a four-day yarn crawl on Long Island, which meant driving! and finding places! and driving for many, many miles! and listening to my gps (even though she sounds annoyed with me). Bought new yarn and am planning new projects. Made preemie hats for charity for the first time, which felt good. And spring will come, even though I was driving through snow on Friday...
Where does the time go? It's really sweet to know you've been visiting for so long!
I love your good things... and isn't it amazing how we can feel after daring to leave our comfort zones? I can be a serious homebody, and I know when I push myself (sometimes it hurts) I almost always come out feeling good, and inspired. Now, where can I see some of the yarn projects you are making? I would like that very much...
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