Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Still Life In March

If life were still, I would make the time to write a lengthy blog post, all about happenings around here, with deep thoughts about being a mom, navigating college things with her third son. I would tell the story of the big table that spent too much time in the rain and the sun, then was saved from the brink by Alex, and a belt sander. I would discuss paint colors, and ordering screen doors, how the porch has become the favorite spot, and has begun a chain reaction of domestic conquest and rehabilitation. If life were still, I would make invitations to an afternoon tea, that kind of party that slips into the evening, with friends lingering over plates, laughing, recharging, stars. I'd invite everyone, and listen to your stories, too.


Unknown said...

Turquoise and Tangerine are such a lovely combination. These colors make me happy and hungry.
I would love to come to your party! If life were still :)

Anonymous said...

I love the thoughts. Made me be still and contemplate. Interesting; just the word 'still' contains 'till', 'ill' sit, and list. When I've been ill, I sit still and list away the time.
Oregon Coast