Sure, we craft, and make things. I've been crocheting every yard of yarn within an arm's reach. And there are chickens, goats and fish, here, too. We've posted on everything from
Atomium to
Zoos, and always, of course,

We dabble in deep thoughts, and other musings, but lately this Foo of a cat is front and center, wherever we turn. And so, perhaps what this blog ought to be is a
Foo Blog. After all, it is this kitty, polka spotted and mischievous, this black and white and precocious Foo, that fills the memory card of my camera. As though standing on ceremony, Mister Washburn Foo takes his place,
any place that pleases him.

It is because he does
this, that he's earned an entire FB album in his name.
Life of Foo. It is a soft, easy life. He is doted on most ardently. Petted.
Forgiven. Indulged.

The shawl, he reminds me, is his.

This quilt. Maria's socks. The dining chairs, the stairs, and the grey Lego bricks: All for Foo. He may as well have the blog, too.
It's hard to say no to a face like that.
He works it!
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