Friday, June 22, 2018

A Mini Portland Tour

May 31

We've had three full days in Portland to see sights and take it all in, but before we head out of town, we put in a small order for just two more stops. And while it wasn't an intentional theme, I think our mini tour, though short on time, filled a tall order for fun!

In our own, limited, survey of Portland donuts... we vote Pips Original as our #1. They have a spirit for community like no one else, and that's what makes them inspiring to follow on Instagram. Nate Snell sells mini-donuts, coffee, and chai... but he delivers a warm and compassionate attitude about people, fellowship, and engagement. Fresh and original donuts make a tasty treat, and a perspective that promotes cooperation, kindness, and activism is a recipe for success we can get behind.

After those warm and yummy strawberry-rhubarb mini-donuts... how about some mini figures and bricks? We couldn't leave town without stopping to see 3,000 square feet of LEGO bricks and mini-figs, at Bricks & Minifigs.

Overall, I'd say we finished our Portland visit quite nicely. We never ran afoul of anything, and we stayed focused. It was a snap putting together this mini-me, but I'll be a good egg and lay off the puns...

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