Wednesday, February 23, 2022

A Few Hours At The Zoo

We went to the zoo! Zoo passes were the most requested Christmas gift, and we finally put ours to use. If When Max and Geoff get a break, we want to return on a weekday. Of course, Maria needs a free day too. I don't want to whine for more than one sentence, so here goes: It was incredibly crowded and loud at the zoo, like nothing I have witnessed before, and even worse when we tried to drive out, as two drivers got very heated over who was more entitled to our parking space. Done. The zoo, even on a busy day, is always worthwhile, and we had a very good visit, with many happy encounters. The cheetahs were alert and clearly visible. At one point one that had been lounging in the wide open, got up and sauntered over toward us, then dropped down for a lounge in the shade, and we could feel him purring. I mean... we heard him purring, but a kitty that big, that close, it's clear that sound comes from vibrations. The giraffes were beautiful, so was the donkey and zebra, the koalas. The kukaburra sang it's gumtree song, and we saw fennec foxes, porcupines, a rhino, and flamingos, of course. Komodo dragons, birds of all feathers, including freshly hatched ducklings. The baby birds flitted on the water like wind up toys! We stayed with the baboons for a long time, because they were so compelling. Their enclosure is wide open with different terrains and elevations, and observing them is gratifying. They do so much that is interesting, dramatic. Stories unfold when we pay attention to their interactions, and dynamics. A volunteer observed that the young baboon in the tree was unique, as no other baboons climbed up, like her. Bambi sketched, and she and the volunteer, Anne, talked about art, classes, and watercolor painting.

I felt certain that I had more pictures to share, and now I realize that I was recording a lot, because so many of the animals were active. I'll share video, too, then. Like the one of the adult baboon keeping an eye on the young one in the tree. The one in the tree seemed to make the adult anxious, but the little one was also tossing leaves down, and those were much sought after by the baboons on the ground. It's great to have annual passes. We had a good walk, saw plenty of animals, including the penguins, and leopard sharks, and then we headed out, happy to know we can return, soon.

Did I mention it was loud at the zoo? Maybe turn your volume down if you watch these clips.

Bird House Notes: It may rain. It certainly looks like it could rain, and it is in the forecast. I think, in California, we learn to be a bit wary of promises of rain. It's certainly cold, and the wind picks up. I guess that's all I can say for the weather. And you? What are watching for, anticipating? February 22, 2022


Come Away With Me said...

I drove by there Monday on my way downtown and back - it was CRAZY busy! I haven't seen it like that in a long time. I drive past at least once a week. So you like the Zoo? I was last there about 6 years ago and found it disappointing. It seemed a bit run down and grubby in places. But they were doing a lot of construction then. Maybe it's different now and I should consider renewing my pass??

Nicole said...

That looks so fun. I haven't been to our zoo in years!

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Sara, I am sure I have some bias, but I definitely think the passes are worthwhile, if only to support the conservation efforts. I think they've completed a lot of the big construction projects, and many of the new zones and regions are appealing and interesting. I was especially impressed with number and quality of walk-in aviaries. I'm sure it will always be a "work in progress," as they try to update a park that is over a hundred years old... it's impressive that they maintain it as well as they do, and I love that they are always striving to be mindful of the needs and interests of the animals. As for the crowds... yikes! I think COVID has made our county a major destination, and year-round, which is not easy to get used to. We always enjoyed some calm after Labor day and before Memorial day, but it's been busy, everywhere. Even our local market, a favorite of campers and beach goers, has been difficult to shop at. I wonder if the Safari Park is as crowded...

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Nicole, it is a special zoo, and fun. Having the annual passes takes some of the pressure off, so we can pop in and out without pushing ourselves to get our money's worth in one shot! Naturally, our mild climate makes it a comfortable place throughout the year. The plant collection is as impressive as the variety of animals, and it's nice to go for a good walk.

Janece said...

Zoo days are fun! The packed crowds, less so. I'm glad you were able to find your pockets of joy... and like you say, the passes are a boon. My parents bought me one for Christmas when I was in college. I used to drive over and do my morning walks through the park. It was, almost always, so quiet. And, in the cool of the morning, many of the animals were out and about. I have fond memories of those days.

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Zoo days are fun! I think we'll have another, real soon. And for walking, or appreciating the flora, birding (even species not officially in residence!)... there is so much worthwhile about those passes.