Friday, October 07, 2005

Fresh from working in the fields... or did we get him at Target?

Yup, I am a sucker for Fall. Fall and Halloween, and Autumn color and pumpkin carving, plastic vampire teeth, hot soups, frosty mornings, change of season, cheese and cheesy decor. The pura, entera enchilada.

We will go to at least one pumpkin patch, and we will buy many pumpkins. We will certainly carve pumpkins throughout the month, because it is fun and I love to eat roasted pumpkin seeds. And another thing: I don't go for the extra scary stuff. No trickling blood or screeching axe weilding, Hollywood conceived beasts of terror. I like black cats, bats, hot apple cider, dry ice in a caldron, straw bales and corn stalks, candle light, homemade costumes and old oak trees.

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