Undeservedly Proud*
This morning I opened my email and scrolled down until I didn't want to scroll down any more, it was a random choice, and I began responding to emails and comments. I made 36 separate and personal emails. Some were solicited, some were not, most were long overdue, and I think my efforts represent something like 2% of what I should have done in the last, oh, let's say 12 or 13 months. And while I will emphasize my inadequacies in the department of "Prompt and Polite," I have to say I feel really super-proud of myself.
If you have not received an email or comment from me today:
1. The day is young (in California.)
2. I have to keep Chango's vet appointment.
3. I have every good intention of being super and effective and wonderful.
4. I may never get around to it.
Sorry about that last bit, but it's honest and honesty must count for something.
It's like I told my friend Tarie, I am sorry if I have neglected you, but consider: You are in good company. I have been neglecting everyone, especially me.
If our good deeds are sparks, then I hope I am starting a fire.
*Now, Maria has plenty of reasons to be proud... just look at this picnic she has set out for us. She made a layer cake. See the peas? She makes most of her cakes with peas. She's such a sweetie.
yes, and i felt very important getting my personal notes from you! thanks for taking the time!
Hey Chica! I'm always glad to hear from you anytime, fast or slow, I hope you know you are in my thoughts!!
Such a cute post! Now I feel really really special!!! Here's hoping you have a great day!
Honored to be a 2%er. Thanks for thinking of me. Its hard to keep up with such things, especially when you've been travelling as much as you have this year. Such a year.
I hear you've got a quiltdate coming up with a mutual friend...
How exciting. I'm so jealous. She and I have just got off the Skype video call, lamenting that i can't help her sandwich the latest quilt together as is our habit when we have the need.
That is such an adorable picnic. I wish I could join! Can you have a pretend picnic w/ little boys? I am not sure I could get mine to sit still long enough...hm...your daughter is stunningly beautiful.
Maria's picnic is precious! Wish I could go. :)
Dont feel too bad. I feel your pain on comments/emails. I've fallen sorely behind this week.
Thanks for leaving me a comment!
Well I feel completely flattered that you did leave me a comment then!! What a darling picnic. Isn't it great? Love those chickens too!!!
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