Periodically I contemplate quitting blogging, and usually it is only a matter of needing a break or a fresh view. I appreciate the archives too much to totally dismiss the point of making regular posts. But this latest break, the week since my last post, has proven 1 thing to me... blogging is really easy to walk away from... whatever void or absence perceived is soon forgotten and very quickly filled in by other events, other stories. Nature does not like a vacuum and neither does the Internet.
I love to come across other people's posts about the why's of keeping a web log, a public journal. I find it reassuring to be reminded that I am not alone in trying to understand, justify and clarify what I share and why I share and how I share... I am not alone in trying understand my labels and how I relate to the world, the patterns I repeat, the journey... it's so good to know other people are trying to figure themselves out too. But I did need to take a break. I did not want to face, in bold printed words, my petty thoughts, my destructive ideas, my self-defeating patterns... I really needed to step away from the chance I might make too many regrettable, out-loud statements, which is kind of odd... I really admire and appreciate open, honest, whole truth kind of posts from other bloggers.
The good stuff... let's see.
1. Janece asked to be interviewed and she poured her heart in to the 5 questions, answering them in 2 posts. Post #1 rekindled my wanderlust, and I am ready to make a long, winding, sight-filled road trip to Washington State. I need a month and I am prepared to never return to dry, dull, overpriced So Cal. To be fair: it is not dry at the moment, and not really all dull, but it is certainly overpriced. (Hold on... did she answer all 5? I think one more answer is still coming.)
2. Maria is enrolled in a dance class. She loves it. She wants to be there every day. She loves pink tights and tap shoes and having her hair put up and held with clips and bows. She loves her teacher and following directions and the music they dance to. Maria is very happy in her dance class. (I wish parents were allowed in the studio every class, because I am only mildly amused waiting with the nannies and manicure moms. No, not snarky, just real.) Where does the time go?
3. William is making a donation to Locks of Love! I gave him his last haircut, on the deck at the Treehouse... that was at least 3, maybe 4 years ago, so you can imagine the great lengths he's reached since then. At the website for the nonprofit organization, we learned that he had to donate a minimum of 10", so we were very pleased to see that he had 15" of thick, healthy hair to donate and he still has just enough to pull back. Here is their mission statement: Our mission is to return a sense of self, confidence and normalcy to children suffering from hair loss by utilizing donated ponytails to provide the highest quality hair prosthetics to financially disadvantaged children. The children receive hair prostheses free of charge or on a sliding scale, based on financial need.
I know... how about a picture, right? No. Nope. No way. He says I can take a picture of the ponytail in the ziplock bag. He's got a big heart and he's modest.
4. Alex and Max got haircuts too. Three handsome boys and a wonderful afternoon in the company of Daniel. Daniel has been our friend and barber since 1998, (D is for Daniel) and even though he retired, he still invites us over for cuts and catching up. We are so fortunate. I really cannot imagine having to go any where else, and the time spent there is reflective, happy, comfortable and good... maybe that's why I got a haircut too... I guess I didn't want the nice visit to come to an end. I gave him creative control, and a picture of a dazzlingly beautiful starlet, and he transformed my limp braid in to a sassy new do!
I know... how about a picture, right? No. Nope. No way. Just kidding. As soon as anyone cares to take my picture, I will post it.
That is all. I type slowly and the day is slipping away.
Welcome back! You will not believe the WV - hairdery!
Today the children's story at church was about the difference between a trip and a journey. Journeys are for building something. Thanks for sharing your journey.
I was wondering if you were going on a 'hiatus' again... don't ever stop blogging! I love reading your stories and looking at your pictures! I think it's Wonderful that William is donating to Locks of Love. It's a great organization! I feel the same way when waiting for my daughter's dance class to be over... sitting in the waiting room with those ladies and their even younger kids sitting next to them playing their DS games, it's mildly entertaining at best... Ugh! I wonder what any of them would say if I told them about my chicas in the backyard!
I missed you. It's good to hear your voice again. I'm glad you left me some comments, so I knew you were still there.
I am glad you are here today. I was worried about you. Thank you for visiting my blog, I don't know if you saw my comment back. It is suppose to rain some more this coming week. I am happy about that. Also, it is great that William is donating his pony tail.
Well, I, for one, have missed your out-loud meandering thoughts. And am glad you are back sharing what's in your life and on your mind. I'd no idea William's hair had gotten so long -- good for him for making a donation! And I'm looking forward to seeing your new do as well.
There's something about that last photo that I just love. The motion, the colors, the creative process...
Good to hear from you Natalie.
Ah, Maria in dance class - i'd love to see that.
And your dear boys - so, William's hair was growing for a cause - who knew? And what a good cause.
Drop in whenever you need to sweetie. We're here.
I often wonder why I am still blogging. I mostly enjoy but it gives me heartache too. Something keeps me going. I am glad you are still going.
It is tough to keep blogging...but your audience is sympathetic to your breaks!
Still, it is cool to check in on what other people are's a little cyber-voyeurism (but in a good way) I guess. I do get interested in what my blog friends are up to...odd, huh?
I've missed you Natalie! I'm glad you're back!!
Simply wonderful to hear your voice here again.
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