My randomnest post... or is it my most ramdom post? Or is it that I am getting punchy, losing orbit, losing my mind?!
The best part about packing? Rediscovering treasures like Alex's sketch of a real life battering ram. It was on one of our really great road trips, when the boys sing to me and we make all kinds of wild plans and dream-up fantastic notions, that the drawing was started. On this particular trip, when Maria was two years old, and I decided to take the children all the way to Oregon, Alex was full of history facts and trivia. We become totally amused with our vision of what a ship's battering ram might look like if the crew employed an actual ram. I knew Alex could take the ridiculous concept from idea to paper... and he did.
I so completely relate to this poor guy. Just look at his worried-wooly face. He knows trouble when he sees it! Tied to the last days at Garage Mahal, and heading straight for more heavy lifting... that's me.
Isnt it funny how something you see or read will touch you in a way but you dont know why. Your post and the drawing did that. If this print ever gets sold on etsy let me know.
Oh he's so clever! How wonderful it is to have arty, funny, creative kids.
Looking forward to hearing of your settling in and down ...
What a wonderful artist!
Wow! Great sketches!
rich creativity
Are you all feeling better yet? We're all kind of holding our collective breath, trying not to think about H1N1 yet knowing that it's swirling all around us....
LOVE the drawing, the idea, and only wish I could have been a part of that trip and conversation!
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