Sunday, July 04, 2010

"Girl Feeding Hen"

He did it again. This photograph of a painting by Chris Opperman came by email. The girl is Maria, the hen is Betty, and once again Chris has left us amazed, and teary-eyed. And thankful... I am so happy he reached out to us last summer, that he is painting, and sharing his beautiful work with us.

If you have not read about Chris Opperman, please follow this link to my November 22, 2009 post about Chris and his paintings.


Julie said...

Incredible! Just incredible! What a thrill this must be! Lucky you...

The Words Crafter said...

Wow! Just, wow!

judy in ky said...

What a gorgeous painting! One to treasure.

Dallas said...

Wow, what an amazing photo and gift! It's beautiful. And even more amazing to read about the artist and that he paints with his mouth.

Miriam said...

What a wonderful gift - and what an amazing thing, that our paths can cross with such amazing people via the Internet. My mom and I have a regular debate about whether technology separates people or brings them closer together - you have shared an example of how a wonderful blog, written by a special woman who takes beautiful photos, touched the life of someone living in very different circumstances in a different part of the world, who in turn reached out and touched you and all the rest of us. Magical.

Tami @ Lemon Tree Tales said...

What a gorgeous painting! He really captured the essence of Maria and Betty too. Happy 4th of July!

Tonia said...

Oh, that is so great! Big smile on my face!

mtnchild said...

That is so precious! Chris is an amazing painter and Maria and Betty are a wonderful subject.

Lucky you

Anonymous said...

What an incredible gift! Both Chris' skill and talent but also in sending it to you.

Jill said...

Incredible painting of a beautiful girl and her hen.