Friday, August 06, 2010

Feria de Las Flores

When I saw the paper flowers at How About Orange, I knew I was in the inspiration zone. And honestly, I am congratulating myself on waiting for an "appropriate occasion" to put aside laundry and chicken wrangling, to make flowers out of paper napkins. Because, yes, I appreciate that this is probably not, technically, a high priority activity.

But, gee. They are so fun!

Jessica Jones made her flowers as a simple party decoration, and she got her inspiration and a terrific tutorial from Dana-Made-It

I made it over a month without breaking out some napkins and going wild. And since we were invited to a garden fiesta, it seemed to me Maria and I had the perfect excuse to play! Garden fiestas must have big, bodacious, summery flores.

They are lemon-squeezy-easy-peasy, and you don't need me to make a tutorial, because Dana has already covered those details. <------Click Link! Click Link!
A generous stack of Ikea napkins (2$ a pack = cheap thrills!)and you are ready to bloom. We figured out the basics, and then started fiddling with our own variations. It was Maria's idea to cut the larger napkins in to fourths, and we made lovely smaller big blossoms.

Here is my gardenia... from white cocktail napkins.

We delivered a bouquet to Michael and Patricia for the fiesta. I think they are going to look festive on the biergarten fence.

Two in the cupboard. Maria wore one in her hair. Then I gardened with one in my hair. The big yellow one is on my dresser.

Maria and I were spreading our flower love all over the house. Alex thinks we should make a wreath. Marvelous!

Ummmm... garden party anyone? Fiesta? Tea? Fairy woodland? Let's get carried away! Una feria de flores.


Alison said...

I could tell it was supposed to be a gardenia! Great job. Clicking the link next!

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Those are very pretty! That looks like lots of fun!

mtnchild said...

Now how fun is that? If your roses die too early you can make some and stick them in the bushes!! long as it doesn't rain ...

Lovely, just lovely

Julie said...

Those are great! I may have to try them out, too!

Unknown said...

How super dooper dooper groovy is that??!! Can't wait to go to IKEA and buy some napkins!

Miriam said...

We don't have an IKEA on Vancouver Island! Usually I am just sad that I can't quickly satisfy my need for more Billy bookshelves - but now I am heartbroken that I can't make these flowers right now, this instant! I think there is a ferry trip to Vancouver in my near future...

Isobel said...

So pretty and summery. Love them!

Anonymous said...

How did I miss that post? these look fabulous and if Maria can do it, maybe I can too :-)

Mama Spark said...

I made these kind of "flowers" too. I love your cat pitcher! So cute. I have an elephant one that matches it.