That's right... so far, so good. No one cried, or had a meltdown, or begged for the day to be over. Oh, yes, and the children are fine too. Max and Maria, sixth grade and kindygarten, maturity, sophistication, personal style, bright, and cheerful, ready to take on a new year, and a first new year, in grade school.
Max is in a class with his good friend, Lucas. Maria can't wait to check everything out.
Oh my.
These moments.
I'm speechless.
A hard day for mothers.
What a big day for everybody! Especially for Maria - I bet she feels very grown up, as she should. I remember my first day of kindergarten (this would be 1967) wearing my cardigan draped around my shoulders, just like a grown-up glamorous lady movie star. That one wardrobe item single-handedly did away with any terror that fist day might have held - all I needed to make me more invincible would have been a big pair of sunglasses...
I LOVE Maria's outfit! She's so cute!
That tie is awesome.
Sixth grade? I've got one too. It scares me, middle school. In Canada Jr High starts in grade 8. How am I going to cope?
Fortunently I have a bit more time to prepare. We start Sept 7.
Beautiful, happy and confident children. Love the styles!
Congratulations, Natalie (and kiddos)!
I like your new profile pic, too.
It's too soon! It's too soon!
Yeah, we start Friday...
Oh, I could just cry... Kindergarden, already??!! Look at her bright, shining face... An bright shiny tie--LOVE that! Is that a lunch box Mas has there in his hand? Hope the new school year is full of fun, challenges & discovery for all the kids! Happy Days :o) ((HUGS))
The first day of school was always the most exciting day of the year for me! Maria looks very excited and also very stylin'. Loving that hot pink tie...she should get an A+ in fashion.
Love your new profile picture!
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