Saturday, February 05, 2011

Not Supposed To

I am not supposed to sit, idly, like a stump.
I am not supposed to lose my keys, my crochet hook, my nerve, my heart.
I am not supposed to lose sight of the good and the beautiful, the nearly endless mercies.
I am not supposed to neglect... anything, or anyone.
I should not be obtuse, or evasive, maudlin, melancholy, or bitter.
I cannot turn my back, or let go... but I would like to. Right now, I would like to.

I think Chango knows where Ferris is. What happened. Chango has not left the house. Not to wander. Not to part with us. I think he knows what happened.

I think if Ferris returned, because sometimes these miracles happen, I think I would still be in over my head, but it would feel so good to see him, and enjoy all of the many stinky-pinky things he did.


Tami @ Lemon Tree Tales said...

Oh no! Poor Ferris. Hopefully he's just out and about exploring and will return soon.

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Thank you Tami... it's already been quite a few long, cold nights, so we are not really too hopeful. He never has been away longer than over night. Ferris never missed a meal!

mtnchild said...

Oh my goodness! Maybe he found a house with food; will hope for the best!

Anonymous said...

I've been praying for your family and Ferris since you posted on the side February 3rd. I had a cat missing for 3 months and he finally came home! I so hope yours comes back soon!
*hugs & prayers* Lisa

CarrieMarie said...

oh! *HUGS* oh, ferris, please come home, safe & sound.

Jennifer said...

Sending every best coming home signal to Ferris, and hugs and love to you. I can remember so many times, waiting and waiting for kitties to come home, giving up hope, and finally hearing just the right mewing at the door. Do not give up hope.

Miriam said...

Oh, this is so hard. On the one hand we want our cats to have fully cat-like lives, which means some independence and maybe some wandering. On the other hand the world out there can be dangerous to small creatures. There is no right answer, or right way to do things. All we can do is our best.

I had a beloved cat disappear for 10 days and then magically appear. Turns out she was dry-walled in, on a construction site. The workers eventually heard her meowing and knocked a hole to let her out. There was a leaking pipe, which gave her enough water to survive. That was a magical day, the day she came home. I really, really hope Ferris has a magical day, too.

Kara said...

Oh, no. I am so sorry.

Still, you never know, kitties love adventure. Growing up we had a kitty who would take off for days at a time, and eventually return home, usually dragging a dead bird that was bigger than she was...

Bonnie said...

Hi, I'm Bonnie from What About Pie. Thank you so much for visiting my blog. I'm so glad you did since it has lead me to your blog! I love the title of your blog and the header! so cute! I am so sorry to hear about your kitty Ferris. I like how you have named Chango as the key witness here...if only he or she could talk. Poor kitty, I hope he turns up. Not that a kitty is like a chicken, but I lost 2 chickens one day..they were no where to be found one night while I was closing up the coop. Well, 10 days later, one of them came back..we were completely amazed. Keep holding out hope!

Lesley said...

Oh no! But he will be okay and home soon, tired out and wanting to tell you all about his adventures.
Our dog Nipper took off for eight days once, after being hit by a truck. But he found his way back when he was ready.

Alison said...

Ferris has always been like a teenager, hasn't he? I imagine him out there, looking for trouble and fun. That's how I'd prefer to imagine him.

And as for "supposed to"'re NOT supposed to be perfect. And neither is life. Ugh. Give yourself a break; feel what you feel without apology.

Anna Banana said...

oh dear, so sorry about Ferris. hoping he will figure out how to get home soon.

Anonymous said...

Our cat was gone for four months, and one day we received a phone call from a neighbor two blocks away. A cat had been lounging in her sunny backyard for weeks, and she finally let the woman get close enough to read the tags on her collar. I went over, scooped her up and she stayed put for the next 17 years. So never give up. Never surrender. Ferris is probably exploring his neighborhood and will be home soon.


Cheyenne -Millie said...

We hope that Ferris returns soon! We will pray so.

judy in ky said...

This is such a horrible feeling... worrying and wondering and waiting. I hope he shows up soon. I know that occasionally one of our outdoor kitties doesn't show up for a couple of days, then there they are again. I think they go visiting other neighbors, and that we are not the only ones feeding them.

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

We are marveling at all of the *came home* stories. Thank you everyone for your concern and prayers. Max can only say that he is "sad," otherwise he is kind of shutdown. This is probably not surprising for an adolescent boy, but combined with Aspergerness... it concerns us. Ferris was Max's friend and therapist... his kitty was an acceptable outlet for expression, touch, and a means to de-stress. Just when he could most use the company of Ferris... he is on his own.
The night we last saw Ferris, we could not get any of the cats to come inside. We awoke to the too close call of the coyotes, but still no kitties. They do hide when danger is close. I tried again at midnight, and Chango burst into the house... not the usual casual stroll of dignified felines. He was visibly scared and relieved. But no Ferris. We do fear the worst.
But maybe... maybe we will get to tell a happy ending tale of *he came home!* I really do hope so.